Chapter 16: I'm leaving tomorrow to Atlanta

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Third Person

Justin's hand traveled down from her breast to her stomach and then finished it's way at her vagina. Reality shot through Scarlett's brain as she felt Justin's hand slip into her panties. "justin" she breathed as she felt him press with his finger against her clitt. "stop" she told him. "please" even though she liked being this close to Justin, she wasn't ready to commit her to him again, not yet anyways.

"what's wrong, baby girl" Justin asked as he had pulled his hands away from her body and cupped her face.

"I- I'm not ready for this." Scarlett looked at Justin as his face softened. He felt guilty that he had even started this, he had a slight feeling she would have stopped him, he just knew her that well, but still he tried. He looked at Scarlett and nodded his head. "I'm sor-"

"no no" he quickly stopped her before an appoligize was let out. "don't be, I completly understand, I shouldn't have even let it come this far." he told her. "we can wait, this can wait, I want to see you happy, that's all that matters for me. It doesn't matter if we don't make love, as long as you love me I'm the happiest man on earth" Scarlett smiled at the cutness of her boyfriend.

"you're so sweet" Scarlett pecked his lips as she sat up and pulled on some pyjama's. Justin crawled in bed next to her and tucked them under the covers. The boy wrapped his arms around his petite girlfriend pulling her into his chest.

"now go to sleep, beautiful" he ordered her. Scarlett snuggled as close as she could into his chest. "I love you" Justin whipsered into her ear.

"I love you too" she replied as she could feel her drift of. Justin watched Scarlett fall asleep as her breaths became slower. He loved her so much, the way she smiled, the way she smelled, they way she looked, the way she was beautiful inside out, everything about her was to love, in his eyes. He had missed falling asleep with the beauty queen in his arms. He fell asleep that night with a smile plastered on his face, he was happy.


"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ja-ake, happy birthday to you" everyone sung as they sat around the table, Jake sat in the highchair at the very end, so everyone could see him.

"Bieber, can I howd Jake?" a cute little voice asked after the song. Justin turned to his little sister. "pwease" she was too cute as she used her puppydog eyes and he couldn't say no to her, she was his little angel, she always would be.

"ofcourse you may, after we ate cake, alright?" Jazmyn nodded excited and squealed in her high pitched little girl voice.

Scarlett kissed Jake's cheek, she loved her little boy to death. She grabbed her canon camera and took a picture of him as he had chocolate all over his face.


All of the people that came to the Johnsons's house left at around 9 PM when it was time for Jake to go to sleep.

Justin sat down on the couch at his house as his phone rang. He picked up without looking at the called ID.

"Justin speaking" he held his phone to his ear after sliding with his thumb over his Iphone screen to answer the incoming call from whoever was calling.

"Justin" the voice was all to familair to Justin and he sighed, knowing whatever would come next would take him away from his little family.

"yeah, Scooter?"

"you have to start working on your next album. Fans are waiting for you to bring new music." he sighed knowing what this meant. "I want you to fly down to Atlanta and record some songs you already wrote.

"Scooter, I know I haven't really worked after I came back from tour a year ago. But as you know me and Scarlett have a baby. And my top priority right now is to look after both of them. I can't let Scar raise Jake up on her own." Scooter was now the one to let out a sigh.


"no butts" Justin cutt him off. Normally Scooter would cutt him off, not the other way around.

"if you won't work you can say bye to your little contract, it's not my choice but the label called yesterday and said that if you didn't release a new album in 6 months they will break of your record deal, just do it, okay" Justin felt his heart drop. 'they're concidering to fire me?' he tought to himself.

"f-fine" as soon as those words left his lips he pressed 'end' and threw his phone somewhere in the room.

'how am I going to tell Scarlett I will be gone for 6 months?'


Scarlett woke up the next morning from an incoming call on her Iphone. She picked it up seeing it was 10 am, her mum was looking after Jake for the day. a picture of her, Justin and Jake flashed onto the screen. With a smile on her face she answered it.

"hello" she replied happily. The smile disappeared as she heard the disappointment in Justin's 'hi' "what's wrong"

"Scarlett, Scooter called last night" Justin bit on his lips not knowing how to say it. "I" he paused. Would she break up with him?

"what you Justin?" Scarlett became impatient. Had she done something wrong? Was he breaking up with her? Was he leaving her? She didn't know the last question was true. He was leaving, not specificly her, but the country, his friends, his family, his girlfriend, his son, his fans, who suprisinly supported him being a dad.

"I'm leaving tomorrow to Atlanta" Justin paused, and Scarlett knew there was more with this. "it's not just for a couple days or week, it's for 6 months, if I don't have an album by them, the label will dropp me" Scarlett heart fell. 6 months? 6 months without Justin? How would she survive that. She was used to having her with her again, and him helping her out with Jake. It wouldn't be easy. She knew that. But they could get through it. They MUST get through it.

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