Chapter 10: the sight infront of my eyes made my heart shatter.

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I walked into starbucks 2 minutes early. I walked up to the counter and ordered a hot chocolat, it was begin february, so it was still cold outside. The winter weather still hadn't faded. As I awaited my order someone walked beside me, also awaiting their order, I looked up seeing Nathan. "it's like we're made to meet this way isn't it?" he questioned. I nodded my head as I scooped Jake up a little more in my arms, keeping him from falling which was almost happening? "is this little Jake?"

"yupp" i replied popping the 'p' "this is my little angel." I looked at Jake who was playing with the little block he had gotten from Justin a while ago, it seems like he was addicted to that thing, it came with everywhere we went.

"mumma!" he squealed starting to bounce in my arms "mumma!" Nathan chuckled a little. "mumma, mumma" ever since he first said it yesterday, he hasn't stopped saying it. I had to smile everytime though, it reminded me of how much he had grown since he was born, which still seemed like it was yesterday.

"he can't really say anything else, it was his first word yesterday" I informed Nathan. He smiled at me.

"he looks a lot like you, he has his father's eyes though." I nodded knowingly.

"everyone says that" I smiled sadly as we sat down at a table after our orders had arrived. Nathan gave het a concerned look.

"Sorry for bringing him up" he appoligized.

"Don't worry 'bout it" I looked down at Jake.

"Can I hold him?" I handed Jake to Nathan as he took him from me, placing him in his lap and playing with. I started thinking about the previous day again. Justin had never yelled at me before or called me names, even if it was just 'selfish' it still hurted to hear it from him. I smelled at the hoodie I was wearing, it was Justin's the one he had left the day before. It smelled like him. I miss his scent? "somethiing bothering you? You seem a little out of it." Nathan's voice brought me back to reality.

"yeah" I looked down letting out a sigh. A hand was placed ontop off mine and a thumb started rubbing over my nuckles. I looked up meeted a concerned face that belonged to Nathan, he gave me a reassing smile. I returned it with a weak one. "me and Justin kinda got in a fight yesterday" again he stroke my hand with his thumb, telling me to continue. "he said that I was selfish and that I wasn't the only one in the world, that I had to think about how he feels, and not only about my feelings, Nathan, he yelled at me, he never yells at me" I looked at him with sad eyes. He stood up, pulling his chair towards mine with the hand he wasn't holding Jake with. He sat down again and wrapped the same arm around me pulling me in his chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"do you know what I think?" I shook my head. "if I were him, I woudln't do that, I would be glad you still wanted to be friends after breaking your heart and blocking yout out of my world" he told me. "I wouldn't dare yelling at you" I lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him, smiling a little, which he returned.

"really?" I asked, he nodded his head.

"really!" he reprated after me. We were getting lost in eachotter's eyes and started leaning in. As our faces were only inches away I could feel his hot breath hitting my face and shortly after his lips were connected with mine. I got some buttlerflies, but not as much as I got when I kissed Justin.


stepping out of my car I stretched my legs a little and headed towards the entrance of Starbucks. I got stopped by a group of 3 girls, around 15. "you're Justin Bieber right?" one of the girls asked, she had blond hair and brown eyes. I nodded.

"the one and only" I replied making the brunette and the black haired girls giggle while the blond one just smiled. "what's up, ladies?"

"We're big fans and wondered if you could sign these" she handed me 3 papers and a sharpie. I smiled and replied with a quick 'sure' quickly writing down my autograph 3 times and handing it back.

"can we also get a picture? One together and one of us seperatly with you?" I glanced at my clock. Time enough, I had a recording appointment later that day but I still had an hour and half.

"sure" we got together and asked a man, who walked by, to take the picture, which he did. We then thanked him and I got on the picture with each of them seperatedly while one of the others took the picture.

"thank you so much, this was lije our dream" the brunette said we said bye and then I walked into starbucks. Not for long though, the sight infront of my eyes made my heart shatter. Jake was in another guy's lap while the gu was kissing Scarlett, who was wearing MY shirt.

Even thoughh my heart broke, I could only blame one person for it, me.

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