Chapter 7: I'm not planning on getting back together, not yet anyways

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It's been 7 months since the day Justin and I went to the parc with Jake together.

Nothing much has been going on. Except the fact Justin had left for work 3 months ago and he's coming back tomorrow.

He has to go on tour very soon. He even asked me to attend with him, because he wants to be able to watch his son grow up but I didn't agree, not that I want to keep his child away from him, no, it's not that, not at all. It's just that I don't want Jake to grow up in a tour bus. Why? He needs stability, and not having a real home isn't going to give him that.

Between Justin and I, nothing much has changed. We give some kisses once in a while, but that's all, we're not together but I do want that. I sometimes thinks that it's wrong to kiss. Why? Because it makes me think we do have a slight chance, but it seems like he doesn't want that. I try to avoid the kisses as much as possible, but when we do kiss, I can't seem to stop. I love him, and I can't find the straight to stop him as we kiss.

"weeeiiih" A crying brought me out of my trace, Jake has been doing great, he's now 9 months old and I can't believe he has grown up so fast. It seemed like yesterday I was rushed to the hospital and I gave birth to the most important person in my life, my precious little boy, Jake.

"momma's coming, little one" I yelled knowing he couldn't understand me, but I said it anyways. For me, it was time to go back to school, mum or dad would look after Jake when I was.

I reached the door of Jake's nursery and opened it. Jake was was lying on his stomach crying.

"hye baby boy, don't cry, mummy's here" I cooed as I picked him up and scooped him in my arms. "shh" I went downstaires and made his bottle with my free arm and then walked to the couch, sitting down and feeding him.

As I was done feeding him my phone went off. I looked at the screen where Justin's name was flashed on, a smile crept onto my face.

"hey Justin" I greeted him.

"hey beautiful." my heart melted at the words that had just escaped my lips. "how are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you, what about you?" I answered as I stood up the phone between my shoulder and ear as I held Jake in one of my arms and his bottle, that I was going to put away, in the other.

"I'm fine" I heard him say just as I had put the bottle down and placed the phone on the counter, putting it on speaker. At his father's voice Jake started making noise. some like 'dada' and 'weeh' and clapping his hands. Jake started doing that alot lately, especially when he heard Justin's voice, but I don't think Justin has heard it yet. "what are you up to?"

"washing Jake's bottle" I replied as I washed his bottle then drying it, all that with one hand. At first it was hard, but Jake's a parent's kid, whenever you put him down he starts crying and when you pick him up he laughs, so it became normal to do things with just one arm/hand.

"is that Jake I hear?" Justin asked referring to, probably Jake's, noises he heard in the background.

"yeah, it's just babybrabble, I think he's working to his first word, I mean he's 9 months, most children's first word is at the age of 9-11 months" I told him.

"I can't believe he's growing up so fast" I nodded then realized he couldn't see me and mentally face palmed myself for that.

"I know, I can't believe it either" I said.

"I'm glad I'm back there tomorrow so I can see both of you again, and hopefully Jake holds in his first word untill then, and is it out before I have to leave again God only knows when." I chuckled.

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