Justin's pov
"mum" I whispered after the flight attendent announced we would be landing in about 5-10 minutes. "mum" She always was a heavy sleeper and i always felt bad when i had to wake her up. "mum, please wake up" I shook the woman that had been there for me all those years lightly, trying to wake her up.
"ohh, hey honey" she smiled that sweet smile. "how are you feeling?" Scarlett, she had to bring it up again hadn't she, I knew she was just concerned but I didn't want to think about my girlfriend that I had been ignoring for the past week.
"I'm nervouse" I had planned to go to Scarlett's house the minute I landed but decided against it, why would I do that? I had to think first, see Ryan's view on things. I had wanted for Scarlett to pick me up, but seeing the condition we were one, I decided against it.
"it's gonna be alright honey" Mum stroke my cheek as wrapped her other arm around her body to pull me in one of her amazing mother hugs that I had needed alot this past week. "have you talked to her?" mum had said that I shouldn't ignore her, or atleast send Scarlett a text saying that I needed some space, I just couldn't bring myself to it. I had blocked her number, that's how far I had driven it.
"No, I haven't" I shook my head as the sound of the pilot drummed through the speaker saying we had landed and we were ready to go.
Scarlett's pov
"I swear Ryan, he won't be happy to see me. Maybe I should just go back home already" I said for the 1,000th time in the past 5 minutes.
"no, you won't, and he will be happy, just sh-" he was interupted by a voice talking to the speaker
"plane 143 Atlanta to Canada has just touched down, plane 143 Atlanta to Canada" That's the plane Justin was on, I swear that my heart did a little jump as my stomach twisted. He wasn't going to be happy, I was sure.
"remember, he won't block you o-" again Ryan got cut of by an all to familair voice.
"Ayee, Ryan" we both turned around seeing Justin walking towards us with a big smile. I smiled back, thinking he had aimed it at the both of us, but boy was I wrong, as soon as he saw me his smile faded. "what are you doing here?" he didn't spat it or anything, but it still hurted. He looked at Ryan with a questioning look.
"I had to bring her, you guys should ma-" I cut Ryan off.
"I told you Ryan, I told you it would be a bad idea, I told you he wouldn't want to see me, and I told you he wouldn't be happy, I told you I shouldn't have come" Jake, who was in his arms looked around like nothing was happening. I turned around and ran to the bathroom. As soon as I had locked the stall I slid down to the floor as I started crying. I didn't care if the floor was dirty, I didn't care there were other people that had to use the toilet, there were still 2 other ones, and I didn't care that anyone could hear me. I'm sure it's over between me and Justin. Forever.
"Scarlett?" a sweet voice called through the door, followed by a couple knocks. I recognized the voice as Pattie's. "please don't cry, sweetheart, come out of there." I stood up. I always obeyed Pattie because I loved her alot, she was so sweet and knew what was best for you. I unlocked and opened the door seeing Pattie standing there. "come here" she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in a warm, comforting hug. "it's not that he didn't want to see you, honey" she started. "he was shocked and didn't know what to do"
"I told Ryan that I shouldn't come, but he insisted." I sniffled as we pulled back. "I'm gonna head home" I zipped up my jacket. "can you tell Justin that I'm incredibly sorry and that I love him?"
"how will you go home?" she asked me ignoring my wishes. I sighed knowing there was no other way then to walk hence I didn't have money with me to call a cab and it was about 10 miles away.
"I'll walk"
"no you aren't, that's like 10 mile away, I will not let you do that, you're coming with us with the car, if you're willing or not and that's final." As I have said before, I always obeyed Pattie, so I just nodded, she may be petite, but believe me, she can be very severe. "it will be okay" we walked together out of the bathroom. Ryan, Justin and Jake all were already at the car. Justin had Jake in his arms playing with him, but he wasn't with us, you could see it at his eyes that there was something bothering him, better, someone bothering him, that someone was me.
"maybe I should just walk" I said as we reached the car. I really didn't want to be in the car with Justin for an whole quarter.
"no" it were 2 voices, Patties and guess who's? Justin's. Why would he even care, it's not like he has shown any care for me the past week. "I, uhm, I mean" he sighed. "nevermind." The car we had was a van. It wasn't Ryan's but it came out of Justin's company, whenever we had to pick him up, drop him off he had to do something workrelated we could use it. I stepped in the very back off the car, thinking Justin would have shotgunned, but I thought wrong. Instead the opposite door opened and in came Justin after he strapped up Jake in his car seat. I shuffled as close as possible towards the door on my side, not wanting to be to close to him, he might become my ex in a few seconds. I bet that's why he choose to sit here, he was breaking up with me, for sure.
I felt him come closer untill he was directly next to me and he used his thumb to wipe a tear of my cheek. I tensed immediatly. Afraid. Why was he all of a sudden acting like he cared. "don't cry" he wrapped his arm around me, I tried pulling back but gave up, he wasn't letting go off me. he pulled me close to his body. "I'm so so sorry babygirl." he whispered over and over again. "so so sorry" he kissed my forehead. "I was so stupid, I shouldn't have ignored you, I should have just asked you. I should of given you the chance to explain. I shouldn't have blocked you out" he placed his hands on my cheeks. "and that comment earlier, don't take it the wrong way, I didn't mean it in the way that I didnt' want you, I was just shocked to see you, I hadn't expected it" he sighed. "I love you so so so much, Scarlett, so much, d-don't leave me, please"
"I love you too" and then he crashed his heart shaped lips onto mine.