Chapter 18: I'm sorry for whatever I did

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Justin's pov

"Scarlett Johnson has been seen haning out with a mystery guy lately. Ever since love interest Justin Bieber has been out of town for about 2 weeks to work, she has been seen countless times with this guy" pictures of Scarlett with that same guy that had Jake once in his lap appeared on the screen. "this time though, we caught up with them and got some information out of them, The guy's name is Nathan, and is supposed to be 'just a friend'" the spokeswoman emphehazed just friends as she continued talking as more pictures of MY girl were shown on the screen with that Nathan guy. Tss, more like Jerk. "I don't think this is a good thing for Scarlett's relationship with Bieber though, I wonder what he'll think of this" this time a pic came on screen from them hugging intense as jerk kissed her cheek. I grabbed the remote and turned off the tv, throwing it back before placing my head in my hands and letting out a sigh.

For the past week pics of the 2 had been leaking everywhere, always when we called I asked her about it, but she changed the subject and when we texted she would ignore the texts that asked about Jerkboy. 

fuck that nigga that you love so bad

my ringtone drum through my ears, very sarcastic. I looked at the caller ID 'Scar' I clicked 'ignore' I didn't want to talk to her at that moment. I didn't need more ignoring of those questions. Unfortunatly she called again. It went like that for about 4 times before she gave up and just texted me.

from: Scar

Did I do something wrong? Please tell me, I don't want you ignoring me. I miss you so much, don't add this on top of it.

I did feel bad for a little that I caused her more pain then she appearantly was in. But then I remembered that she probably wasn't missing me as much hence how happy she looked with Nathan.

I deleted the message as I got up to get ready for some studio work. I had almost finsihed my new album believe and I was good to go home in about a week. I wanted to announce the news to Scarlett, but decided against it. 

Scarlett's pov

'you've reach Justin Bieber's voicemail. As you have probably guessed, I'm not able to talk right now or I don't want to talk to you' his chuckled filled my ears as I sighed while his voicemail continued. 'it's possible though, anyways you know what to do' and then there was that beep sound that I heard the whole day again. 

"Hey Justin, it's me again. I'm sorry for whatever I did. But please don't ignore me." I sniffled a little, I hated when he ignored me. "I probably did something wrong to deserve this, but I hate fighting with you, even though you're just ignoring me, I know we will be arguing about it when you're home." Again I sniffled as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I love you" I ended the call as I breathed in heavily letting it slip through my mouth again just as forcefully as I had sucked in the breath. 

"He's probably just busy, Scarlett" Nathan, who said beside me on the bed, told me for the 1000th time today. I shook my head. Justin isn't like that.

"he would have send me a text that he wasn't able to talk to me today" I replied. "why is he doing this to me?" Ever since we got back together everything had been perfect. I knew no one had a fairy tale and I knew happiness didn't last forever, so I should have been prepared. 

"maybe he didn't make time for that so he could spend the whole day in the studio without any wasted second so his album would be finished sooner, so he can see you faster then originally planned" again I shook my head. Impossible.

"no, he would have planned that yesterday and then told me then or when he woke up" I again denied his states. I knew he was trying to calm me down, but I just knew Justin was mad at me, or disappointed, that were the only times he would ignore me. I sighed as my phone started ringing my heart pounded 10 times faster. I picked it up lookin at the caller ID

Justin's pov

It pained me, and I couldn't help it anymore, it pained me to hear her cry when she was speaking to the voicemail. She was crying because of me. I caused it. I hated to see or hear her cry, it pained me even more when it was my fault. 

I picked up my phone and clicked on speeddial. 

"justin?" my mum's voice drung through my ear.

"mum, what should I do?" I questioned "I'm kind of mad at Scarlett, and I've ignored her all day, but then she left a voicemail again and she was crying, it ained me" I sucked in a deep breath "what should i do? please tell me"

Scarlett's pov

"okay mum, I'll do that, byee" I hung up my phonecoversation with my mum, she had called me to say she had to work longer, and that she would leave for a business trip tomorrow. 

"I really got to go, it's 10PM now, soo i'll see you tomorrow or something?" I nodded my head at Nathan as he left. I didn't know if I was going to hang out with him the next day, I needed some alone time. 

to: Justin<3

I love you so much </3

I sighed as I still had no response after 2 hours. I should really get some sleep.


"you really think he won't turn around and walk away when he sees me?" I questioned Ryan. Justin had texted him 2 days ago that he would be home today, asking him if he could pick me up. Normally I'd do that, but hence we haven't talked in a week he hadn't asked me. I was nervous as fuck, what if he walked away, or took another plane away again when he'd see me. I had given up texting him after 3 days. I had cried myself to sleep every night again. I looked like shit to be honest. My eyes were a blood shot red and my face had stains all over it. 

"he won't, Scarlett, I promise you, he will be shocked, yes, but he's not going to turn around and walk away, he wouldn't do that to you or Jake" I looked at my baby boy playing with his toys in the baby's car seat. Him asking where Justin was all the time didn't help me from the situation I was in either. "have you eaten today?" 

"I'm not hungry" I hadn't been hungry in a week, I know it looks like I was overreacting but I just didn't want to loose him again. I wasn't ready to face that again. Ryan had told me Justin was mad at me because of me hanging out with Nathan a lot, and because we looked too close for Justin's liking. When I found out I had tried contacting Justin again, ready to explain that there was really nothing going on, but he didn't pick up my phone calls, and he still was ignoring my texts. I had immediatly told Nathan that I didn't want to hang out as much anymore, telling him that I needed time for myself. 

"you really need to eat, want me to stop at starbucks ?" he questioned concerned. I shook my head

"i'm not hungry, Ryan" I stated annoyed that he tried to control me like that. 

"sorry" he mumbled as he parked the car in the parking lot of the airport. "we're here"

here we go

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