Chapter 3: Don't keep things about Scarlett away from me, please

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I woke up by Jake's crying. I left my room and opened the door to the nursery. To my suprise I saw Skye sitting on the chair with Jake in her arms while giving him his bottle. "ooh, you're feedeing him" I said suprised. She gave me a smile and nodded.

"yeah, I love feeding him, plus you could use the sleep. I'll look after him today" She told me.

"aaw, you don't have to Skye" She just shrugged.

"it's no big deal. Really I can see how tired you are, and I love little Jake, so go on, you can go back to bed." I smiled bright. She was right. I was so worn out from looking after him, getting up at night to feed him, waking up early in the morning.

"Thank you. That means a lot."

"you're welcome." I walked back out of the room. "sleep tight" she called out just as I was about to close the door.

"I will" and then I walked back in the room, crawling in my big bed and immediatly dozing of.


"Justin" Mum called my name from the 'living area' of the tourbus while I was in my bedroom at the end of it.

"what's it, momma?" I asked. I wasn't really in the mood to talk, and I hadn't been the past couple of months. The reason? Scarlett. At the time I broke up with her, it seemed like the best option. The paps were going crazy, and it was getting to me too much. But now, I truely regret ever breaking up with her. I love her, always have always will. So I don't even try getting over her. I know for sure I wouldn't be able to do that, ever. If I'd could go back in time, I wouldn't hesitate to do so. I would jump at the chance to haver her back. Back in my arms, being able to call her mine, and mine only. Telling her how beautiful she is over again while I run my hand through her long brown hair and stare in her ocean blue eyes.

"Can you help me with dinner? I wanna make spaghetti." She said as she approached me. Why she asked? Well because I'm not trying to get over her, doesn't mean I don't try to get her off my mind. I had tried so many things, but nothing worked. Till one time I cooked with my mum together and it really seemed to work. I didn't really think about her while doing so. I nodded my head.

"yeah, sure" And with that she stood up walking in the kitchenette. "so what first?" I asked her.

"you can cut the vegetables." she answered. I nodded and started cutting the vegetables, she handed me, in small pieces. "so, there's only one month left off tour, are you excited to go home?" I shook my head.

"not really, I mean, I'm glad I will be able to see my family and friends but.." I trailed off. Mum was disappointed in me when I had broken up with Scarlett, they were close, she was like the daughter mum always wanted.

"you're nervouse about Scarlett?" I nodded as I felt mum give me a sidehug. "Maybe you guys can work things out. You know be friends, and then later on you will maybe get back together. And you could help her out with the b-" she cutt herself off, clasping her hand over her mouth.

"with what?" I raised my eyebrow. She shook her head.

"nothing, I said nothing" I looked at her confused.

"mum, what did you say? Don't keep things about Scarlett away from me, please" She mumbled something about how she had to keep her mouth shut, I didn't really hear what she said.

"nevermind." I sighed frustrated but let it go. If it really was that important she would tell me, Sooner or later.

"you still talk to her?" Mum nodded.

"yeah, I do. Sometimes, it's been a while now. A week or 2 ago we talked." She replied. I sighed, disappointed in myself, remind me why I broke things of again? Oh yeah because of those stupid paps.

"how is she?" I never really talked about her with my mum. But I felt the need to know things about her. I was concerned, I cared. After all, I love her.

"she's great but" I looked at her as she strailed off.

"but what?" I asked wanting to know what would be wrong.

"she still misses you, Justin. If you wouldn't have been so stuborn and change your number, I'm sure you guys could have worked things out, stay friends, and I'm also sure that you would be together again by now." I sighed. She was right. I changed my number because she kept trying to call me or text me. Asking why the paps bothered me then, and never before. It's not the fact that she did that made me change her number. It just hurted seeing her name flash across my screen, and there was nothing I could do about it. I couldn't reply because I know I would have just crawled back into her arms. Thinking about that now, it sounds much better then the position I'm in right now. Mum took the knife out of my hands placing it on the counter, turning me to face her. She wrapped her petite arms around me as I placed my arms around her shoulders. I sniffled, only now realizing that I was crying. "you can let it all out, you know. It would help alot"

"I know" and then I broke down. Yes, I, Justin Bieber, cry over a girl. But Scarlett isn't just some girl, she's the love of my life, the one. And I'm sure she's my souldmate.

In the months after our break up I had had 3 breakdowns, now a fourth. And mum was right. After them I would feel better for a couple of weeks.


I woke up for the second time this morning by the sound of the doorbell. I groaned and looked at the clock on my bedsidetable. '11:03 AM' it felt great to have slept in again. I climbed out of bed and walked downstaires. Skye had already opened the door revealing Chaz. "hi Chaz" I called out

"hey, Scarlett." he replied. Skye left back in the livingroom, Jake still in his hands. "I was wondering of maybe you wanted to go to the parc with me, cuz you know, Ryan and Lieze can't come because they're making Ryan's guest bedroom ready for Justin" I looked down at the mention of his name. I don't get it. It's been what? 8 months and I still cring at the tought of his name.

"yeah, sure" I replied with a sad smile.

"bring Jake and Skye, that is if you want" I nodded my head.

"yeah let me get the stroller and changed and I'll be ready in half an hour" he nodded his head as he stepped inside the house. Walking to the livingroom and placing himself on the couch while holding Jake in his arms. Skye sat down next to him.

I took a quick shower and got changed.

I walked downstaires. "ready to go?" I asked them. They both nodded. We walked outside as I pushed the stroller. Chaz and Sky were walking infront of us. I grinned like a fool as I saw their hands intertwine. When did that happen? "Chaz and Skye were sitting in a tree." Skye gave me the middlefinger making me shut my mouth as we all bursted out laughing.


"what do you have to tell me?" I asked Chaz as he had skyped me, saying he had awesome news.

"well, I went to the parc with Scarlett-" I cringed at the sound of her name. Bur tried ignoring it. "and Skye 2 days ago and I asked Skye out on a date and we went yesterday, and I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she said Yes" He was grinning like a fool, making me smile. I loved it when my best friends are happy.

"that's great." If only my life went as great as his, it would be better.

"JB, meet and greet in 10 minutes" Kenny's voice came trough the door after a knock.

"hye, Chaz, I gotta go, talk to you later man"

"bye" We waved at the camera and then I shut Skype and closed my laptop.

If only I had Scarlett everything would be perfect right now.

Jake BieberWhere stories live. Discover now