Chapter 21: I love you so much (Last Chapter)

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3 years later

"mummy look what daddy got me" I looked away from the television as soon as my son's voice drummed through my ears. I looked up seeing Justin placing down a box on the ground. "I got a drum kit" I sighed.

"Justin, when are you going to learn to stop spoiling him, I don't want him to become a brat." I stood up walking over to Justin who wrapped his arms around my waist and pecking my lips softly.

"he's just too cute, you know it" I nodded my head, he was right. Jake was the cutest kid ever. But I could resist the puppy dog face, which he, ofcourse, got from Justin. Whenever Jake went with Justin to shop, Justin would arrive back home with atleast 1 thing for Jake. "and I want him to be happy. 

"I just don't want him to be a brat" he kissed my forehead.

"He won't be, Scar, I promise" he pulled away kissing my lips softly.

"gross" I chuckled as I pulled away from Justin, looking over at Jake who stood there with a face like he thought something was gross. 

"hey bud, you will be doing that later, believe me" Justin told him. "anyways, you wanna help me putting it together?" Jake squealed as he ran to his playroom with Justin carrying the box. I decided to do some dishes.

Let me tell you about what has been going on lately. Well Jake is 4 years old now, he started school a couple months ago. He's very sweet and looks alot like his father, except the lips, he got my lips. Justin spoils him way too much for my liking, and I'm kind of afraid that he will become a brat. 

Me and Justin, we're 20 and 21 right now, we've been going great and moved in together about 9 months ago. Our relationship is going better than ever. We're pretty serious, talking about our future on a daily base. 

that's kind of what has been happening.

As I was done doing the dishes I walked to the play room, leaning my head against the door frame as I smiled, watching my son and boyfriend interacting. Justin was holding the 2 last pieces that had to be put together while Jake knocked the last pin in it. "and done, great job buddy" Justin high-fived Jake as Jake dropped the hammer and turned around. He saw me and ran over.

"mum, mum" he squealed. "can I play, can I play" I smiled, he was too adorable when he showed his begging voice. but I had learned to say no, unless Justin, who caved in everytime again. 

"no Jake, we have to eat dinner and then aunt Skye is coming over to watch you while mum and dad are going out" Justin had decided to take me on a date. It had been like 3 months since we last went out together, just the 2 of us, and he thought it was time to go out again. I had agreed but wasn't allowed to know where we were going and what we would be doing. 

Jake pouted but didn't argue, he knew that when I said know there was no turning bad. Sometimes I hated saying no, because I felt like he was going to hate me one day. Only wanting Justin again, not daring to ask me anything again, but I just didn't want him to become a brat. I love Justin's and Jake's relationship though.They did almost everything together. Watching tv, sports mostly, Justin would often play with Jake's toys with him, when Justin went to the shop Jake would mostly tagg along, they pranked me together...alot. 

The bell rug after our dinner and Jake hurried to the door, opening it before I had even reached it. "Aunt Skye, look what I got from daddy" he pulled at Skye's hand 'dragging' her to his play room.

"Jake, calm down" I called after him. "hey Chaz" I told Chaz who was coming in. Him and Skye were still dating. They were adorable, really. Chaz kissed my cheek before we all walked to the play room watching Jake's attempt of drumming. It was cute. 

"hey babe, you ready to go?" Justin wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips softly. I nodded my head. "okay let's go" I told Skye and Chaz where they could find everything, even though they had been here a lot of time, before we left.


Our date had been perfect. We had gone to the movies, watched a romantic movie, Justin had said I could choose because he wanted this to be all about me. After that we had bought an ice cream at a stand close by the beach and decided to eat it while taking a night walk along the water.

"this evening has been perfect, Justin, thank you, I really needed it." I told him throwing the plastic cup in the bin that we just passed. Justin did the samething before turning to me. 

"you're welcome, baby" he wrapped his one arm around me, cupping my face with his other hand and bringing his lips to mine. We stood there kissing passionatly, falling in love all over again. 

Too soon for my liking, Justin pulled away staring directly in my eyes. "Scarlett" he whispered slowly "these past 4 years have been amazing, I may not have been there since Jake's birth, but I was there not soon after it. I regret that I broke up with you back then. You're my world, Scarlett, I don't know what I'd do without you. You're my everything, you make me smile when I'm sad, you make me laugh when I'm about to cry, you make my heart beat faster by just being in the same room" tears blinked my eyes from his over cuteness, but what he did next shocked me even more. He dropped to one knee as he took a little box out of his pocket. He opened it holding it out to me. "do me a favour, make me the happiest person on the earth, marry me." I stood there shocked, my hand infront of my mouth as tears trickled down my cheeck. I nodded, not being able to speak. Justin took my hand and slipped the most beautiful ring onto my finger before standing up and pulling his lips to mine again. "I love you so much" he whispered against them.

"I love you too, so much"

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