Chapter 8: beautiful girls like you shouldn't be so sad

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Today Justin had picked up Jake to take him out for the day. It's been a week since I told him I didn't want to see him again, and he had picked up Jake 4 out of the 7 days. Always when he came he tried talking to me saying that we should be friends for the sake of our son. And ofcourse he is right, but I can't, not yet. I have to get over him first.

I stepped inside starbucks and walked to the counter. "good morning, what can I get you?" A girl, around 18 dressed in her work outfit asked me.

"A hot chocolat and a donut, please" I answered. My voice was hoarse. I hadn't really used only to admit to Justin that I wasn't doing anything with Jake and that he could come and pick him up and telling him he should leave whenever he tried to convince me to be friends again. It was also hoarse drom crying. I sound like a baby, but lately that's all I did. Sit and cry.

"that's $4.95 please" I gave her a five dollar bill and told her to keep the change. I waited at the other cointer for my things to arrive when I felt a presence beside me.

"beautiful girls like you shouldn't be so sad" I looked to my right and saw a guy standing there, looking at me with a concerned smile. "I'm Nathan, and let me guess, you're Beautiful?" he extanded his hand to me. I grabbed it and shook hands.

"cheesy, but no, I'm Scarlett" I replied to him.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he gave me another smile, I swear his smile is to die for, but nothing compared to Justin.

"how did you know I was sad?" I asked a little confused as to how he knew. Afterall that was the first thing that left his mouth.

"Well yo-" he was cut off when 2 plates where being placed on the counter.

"order number 6 and order number 7" I looked at the little paper in my hand, seeing order: 7 scribbled down. I handed the paper to the mand and took my plate of off the counter, seeing Nathan did the same, but with number 6.

"wanna sit together?" he suggested. I though about it. It couldn't hurt right?

"sure" we sat down at a table near the window.

"I saw that you were sad in the way you look. I may not know you, but you're very readable. Your eyes didn't look happy, your hair isn't combed yet, how I know? I just see it. You're in sweats. A girl doesn't just go out in sweats and uncombed hair." Nathan told me what he wanted to say before he got interupted with our orders. "wanna tell me what's wrong" right on cue the little bell above the door rang, and like I always do, I look to see who it is. Shock took over my face, it were Justin and Jake. Jake's little hand extanded my way, like he was pointing. He may be just 9 months, but he always did that when he saw someone he knew. Justin's head turned towards me, I couldn't quite read the expression on his face when he saw that there was a boy with me, but I think it was jealousy.

I immediatly felt a lumb in my troath, which I always got when I saw Justin. I just always held back my tears till he was out the door, but this time, it seemed like I couldn't. My eyes started to water. "what's wrong?" Nathan's voice made me realise I had completly forgotten he was even there.

"I g-gotta go" I stumbled standing up. I hadn't even reached my car when I felt a hand pull me back. I turned around and saw Nathan standing there.

"hey, hey, hey, don't cry" he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in a hug. "let's go for a walk" I nodded my head and we started walking. "wanna tell me?"


"and that's why I wanted to leave, I can't stand seeing him, it makes me wanna cry" I ended the story off me and Justin to Nathan

"you know what I think?" he asked. I shook my head and looked up at him.

"as far as I know, I'm not a mind reader, so tell me, what do you think?" I questioned.

"I think he's dumb for letting you go, I get that the paps upsetted him. And I understand that he's afraid that it will happen again, but he shouldn't have lead you on then. He gave you hope for something that he knew wasn't happening. Not in the near future. He's dumb for letting you go, cuz I can already tell that you're an amazing girl" I smiled, for what felt like the first time in years, but was the first time in a week.

"you think so?" he shook his head.

"no, I don't think so." he paused. "I know so"


We arrived back at starbucks and walked to my car. "thanks for listening to me, Nathan, it ment alot, It was a huge weight that has been lifted from my shoulders" I said.

"you're welcome" he smiled and pulled me into a friendly hug. "can I maybe get your number? So we can stay in contact?" He asked. I nodded

"switch phones" he handed me his, and I handed him mine. We quickly put in our number and snapped a picture.

"see you soon, Scarlett, bye" he called as I stepped inside my car. I waved and drove out the parking lot, time to go home again.


The doorbell rung and I stood up, ready to open it. It was Justin. "I'm bringing back Jake" he said handing the little boy to me.

"thank you"

"who was the guy you were with at starbucks this morning?" This time I could read his face, it had jealousy and hurt writting all over it. I sighed.

"a friend of mine, now could you please lea-" I was cut off by a sound. Not just a sound, a sound coming from a baby.

"mumma" me and Justin looked at Jake. Did he just say what I think he said? I looked at Justin, he was smiling.

"his first word" he whispered. I also smiled. His first word was mumma.

"what did you just say, say it again" I said to Jake, even though he probably didn't understand what I said. He clapped his hands.


Our baby boy had just said his first word, and I couldn't describe how happy I was.

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