Chapter 2: Everyone Knows

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(Normal Pov)

Sonic and Shadow had spent the rest of the day together. Laughing, play fighting, holding hands, hugging, and walking around enjoying each others company. As night came, Sonic smirked and picked up Shadow bridal style. Shadow yelped and wrapped his arms around Sonic's neck tightly, scared to be dropped. Sonic chuckled then looked down at Shadow. Shadow looked up at Sonic, blushed, and hid his face into Sonic's chest. Sonic chuckled and took off running to Shadow's house. Shadow had held Sonic tightly the whole time, still scared of being dropped. Once they got to Shadow's house, Sonic put Shadow down onto his feet and gave Shadow a hug, kissing him on his forehead. Shadow blushed again and looked at Sonic. Sonic smiled softly at him

"I'll see you tomorrow Shads. I need to get home before Niesha starts blowing up my phone wondering where I am." Sonic chuckled. Niesha and Sonic were housemates. Along with Niesha's girlfriend Brenda. The three of them lived in a big mansion because of the fact that Niesha and Brenda work at G.U.N. and Sonic works at his own boxing place with Knuckles, which was rather famous. Shadow bit his lip and nodded

"O-Okay. G-Goodnight." Shadow stated. Sonic smirked, kissed Shadow on his cheek, and ran off heading home. Shadow went into his house and a enormous smile spreader across his muzzle

"I can't believe that Sonic The Hedgehog actually loves me back.....but do I trust and love him enough to give him a chance?" Shadow wondered. He sighed and began walking upstairs, getting ready for bed...

(With Sonic)

As Sonic arrived home, he opened the door and walked into the house to be greeted by Niesha and Brenda laying on the couch together watching a movie. Niesha looked up and seen Sonic close the door and take off his shoes

"Hey Sonic. what's up?" Niesha wondered. Sonic sat down on the other couch and Brenda turned off the TV

"Well I finally told Shadow how I felt." Sonic smiled softly. Niesha's eyes gleamed

"Awesome! And what happened?" She pushed. Sonic looked down

"He said.....he said that he loves loves me too, but he doesn't know if he could trust me with his heart because his heart is already broken." Sonic sighed. Brenda and Niesha looked at each other

"He's still hurt by that damn reason." Brenda mumbled. Sonic heard her though

"You guys know why he's heartbroken?" Sonic questioned. Brenda and Niesha's eyes widened

"N-No." Brenda and Niesha replied. Sonic stared at them and they sighed

"Yes we know, but we are not allowed to tell you. Plus this happened in the 10th grade in highschool. We met you in the 11th grade." Brenda spoke for them

"So you mean to tell me, everyone except me, knows why Shadow is heartbroken?" Sonic questioned

"Basically yeah." Brenda replied bluntly. Sonic groaned

"That just makes me wanna know more and more." Sonic said

"Did Shadow say he would tell you?" Niesha questioned

"Yeah, but like he said he'll tell me when he's ready." Sonic watched as Brenda and Niesha nodded

"Good, but for now, find out a way to get Shadow to trust you." Brenda stated. Sonic nodded

"Well thanks for the talk girls. I'm going to bed." Sonic replied. Niesha and Brenda smiled

"Goodnight Sonic. See ya in the morning." Brenda waved at Sonic as he made his way upstairs to his room. Once he got there,he changed out of his clothes and put on his pajamas. He gt into his bed and fell asleep, dreaming of him and Shadow....

What will happen next?! Find out next time!

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