Chapter 17: ^.^

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Recap: "He's my best friend and I know when he's lying. He isn't lying. He basically just told us the truth." Tails pointed out. Mephiles growled lowly, feeling Shadow move out of his arms

"I....I..." Shadow began to say....

(Normal Pov)

"I believe you." Shadow smiled at Sonic. Sonic cheered and Shadow got off of the couch and went over to Sonic, hugging him tightly. Sonic hugged him back and kissed his forehead

"I love you Shadow-Kun and you should know that I'd never do anything on purpose to hurt you in any way." Sonic hugged Shadow a little tighter

"I love you too Sonikku." Shadow replied, tucking his head into Sonic's neck

"Uggghhh!! You weren't supposed to go back to him!" Mephiles shouted angrily. Mephiles's eyes widened and he covered his mouth

"Did you set this whole thing up?" Knuckles questioned. Mephiles rolled his eyes and uncovered his mouth

"Of course I set this up! Shadow's supposed to be with me now not Sonic!" Mephiles growled. Sonic's eyes glowed as he pulled away from Shadow's hold

"I almost lost the love of my life because of you, you ass!" Sonic yanked Mephiles off of the couch by his collar. Mephiles pulled himself out of Sonic's hands and dusted himself off

"Whatever. I'm gonna go fuck Sally. Peace bitches." Mephiles rolled his eyes and held up a peace sign, disappearing in thin air. Sonic growled, but then sighed, going back over to Shadow and hugging him

"We're gonna go you guys. See y'all tomorrow. And sorry for the mishap Sonic. Didn't know Mephiles was that much of an idiot." Niesha stated

"Well....he isn't that much of an idiot." Silver blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. Blaze glared at him and then walked out of the house without a word

"Silver don't tell me you have a crush on Mephiles, do you?" Tails asked. Silver's blush worsened

"Oh for fucks sake!" Shadow facepalmed

"We'll talk about this tomorrow Silver. Let's go." Brenda grabbed Silver's wrist and started walking out the door, with Niesha, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, and Cream following. Sonic then looked at Shadow and placed his hands on Shadow's stomach. His eyes then gleamed when he felt the baby kick

"Shadow-Kun he kicked!" Sonic ran to the front of Shadow, went onto his knees, and placed his hands on Shadow's stomach, hoping to feel another kick. Shadow giggled

"I know Sonikku. I felt it." Shadow replied. Sonic stood back up and placed a tender kiss on Shadow's lips, hugging him softly

"I love you babe." Sonic smiled. Shadow smiled back and cuddled into Sonic's embrace, causing Sonic to chuckle and rub Shadow's head....
What will happen next!? Find out next time!! 😆😆😆

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