Chapter 20: End

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Sorry that I'm ending the story so soon, but all great things come to an end. Hope you guys enjoy this last chapter. Also instead of me always saying their for Tobi, I'm just gonna say he/she for whatever gender Tobi is at the moment
(Normal Pov) (Years Later)

"Please father!"

"I said no Tobi."

"Father I'm 17! Please let me borrow the car!"

"Tobi listen to your father."

"But dad!"

"No means no Tobi."

"Fine." Tobi huffed, sitting onto the couch beside his dad, Shadow. Shadow smiled and kissed Tobi's cheek, causing Tobi to giggle

"Good you're happy now." Sonic stated, sitting on the other side of Tobi

"Mephiles and Silver are coming over with their son Jordan." Sonic smirked as he saw Tobi's face glow red. Tobi then slowly turned into a girl

"Heh that's funny....I think Rebecca invited me over to her house today so yeah. I won't be here." Tobi replied nervously

"That's fine. Jordan will be going with you then so he doesn't have to be the only child around here." Shadow stated. Tobi then turned into a boy again and sighed

"Fine." Tobi mumbled. Then their was a knock on the door. Tobi shrieked and ran into the kitchen. Sonic and Shadow chuckled at their child. Sonic went to the door and opened it, letting in Mephiles, Silver, and Jordan. Jordan was a silver hedgehog with dark blue tips. He had Mephiles's eyes, but he did have Silver's nice and passionate attitude 

"Hey Mister Sonic and Mister Shadow. Is Tobi here?" Jordan smiled a bright smile. Sonic and Shadow only looked at each other and smiled. Jordan was just perfect for their little Tobi

"NO! HE'S NOT HERE!!" Tobi made a very high pitch voice, but then facepalmed

"Why did I do that?" He mumbled to himself

"Tobi's hiding in the kitchen because he likes you." Shadow chuckled. Tobi busted into the living room with a beet red face

"I DO NOT!!!" He shouted embarrassed. Jordan only chuckled at him

"Cute." Was all Jordan replied with. Tobi's blush got worse, if that was even possible

"Oh would you look at the time. Rebecca wanted me at her house five minutes ago. See you guys later." Tobi grabbed his phone and was about to leave

"Mind if I come with you?" Jordan smirked. Tobi paused at the door. He looked at his dads to see them smiling at him and giving him a thumbs up

"Yes Jordan you can come with me, if my father gives me the keys to his car." Tobi shouted as he heard Sonic grumble. Sonic grabbed his keys and tossed them to Tobi, who smiled and caught them

"Thank you father. Bye you two. Love you. See you when we get back." Tobi said, walking out with Jordan

"Love you too." Shadow and Sonic replied. Jordan closed the door as he and Tobi walked out the door

"You two ship Jordan and Tobi like FedEx don't you?" Mephiles chuckled as he watched Shadow and Sonic smile big and nod like crazy....

(With Tobi and Jordan)

"So you like me?" Jordan questioned with a smirk as Tobi drove down the street. Tobi blushed

"Psshhh whhhaa??? Nah." Tobi mentally facepalmed. Once again, he pulled an idiot move. He then felt Jordan put his hand on his thigh. He bit his lip and tried to ignore the fact that Jordan was rubbing his thigh. He pulled over onto the side of the road in front of Rebecca's house and parked, pulling out his phone and calling her

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