Chapter 15: ╥﹏╥

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Sorry couldn't think of a name for the chapter since it's short. Enjoy!
(2 Months Later) (Normal Pov)

"Sonic? Why are you doing this?" Shadow chuckled as Sonic had his head on Shadow's stomach

"Shhhh!!" Sonic hushed. Shadow rolled his eyes with a smile

"Why are you trying to listen to the baby?" Shadow chuckled again. Sonic pulled his head from Shadow's stomach and kissed Shadow passionately, pulling away afterwards

"Leave me and my weirdness alone." Sonic smiled. Shadow shook his head with a smile, placing his hand on his stomach. Sonic and Shadow had finally felt comfortable with hanging out with Mephiles and Sally. Rouge, Silver, and Cream didn't like the idea, but if it was what kept Shadow and Sonic happy, then they had to put up with it. They had also met a guy named Scourge last month, who has taken a liking to Tails of all people. Sonic liked the idea of the couple, but to Shadow, it was awkward putting two opposites together. But then he remembered that him and Sonic are complete opposites. Nonetheless, Mephiles and Sally haven't stopped their plan of breaking up Shadow and Sonic. Apparently Mephiles has gotten close to Shadow again and Sally has gotten close to Sonic again. The way Mephiles and Sally told Shadow and Sonic, they said that those two had an impact on their life to make it better. Also Sonic had moved out of the house he shared with Niesha and Brenda a few weeks after Sally returned, feeling as though since him and Shadow are a couple and that Shadow was pregnant with his child, he felt like it was just right moving in the house with the person he loved the most

"So are you excited about the baby?" Shadow asked Sonic. Sonic's eyes gleamed at the question

"Yassssss!!" Sonic cheered as he started flapping his arms around. Shadow giggled at his childishness....

(With Mephiles & Sally)

"Will we do the final step of the plan tomorrow?" Sally smirked. Mephiles chuckled at her

"Absolutely. I just know this plan won't fail." Mephiles put his arm around Sally's shoulders and smiled. Sally rolled her eyes and giggling, pushing Mephiles away from her

"You're an idiot." Sally remarked

"Yeah sure I am." Mephiles chuckled...
What will happen next!? Find out next time!!

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