Chapter 4: Singing

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(Normal Pov) (With Sonic)

Sonic closed and locked Shadow's door, looking around his surroundings. Shadow's house was a one story house, but even though it was a one story, it still had a lot of space. Sonic looked around the living room. It was cream colored with some pictures around on the walls. He had two couches that were facing each other, a glass coffee table sitting in the middle of the couches and in front of the table was a loveseat. Across from the loveseat was a TV sat on top of a fireplace

"Damn Shadow I need to start coming over your house more often." Sonic said, chuckling to himself

"Well maybe you should just pop up on me and surprise me one day." Shadow scared Sonic, walking out from the kitchen with a cup of grape juice in his hand

"So do you like the scenery or?" Shadow questioned with a raised eyebrow

"Well if you're talking about yourself then yes. I adore the scenery. It's a masterpiece." Sonic smirked as Shadow blushed with his eyes widened

"I-I was talking about t-the h-house." Shadow spoke

"In that case, this house is pretty awesome for a one story." Sonic replied nodding

"Well if you need me, I'll be taking a shower." Shadow drunk the rest of the juice and went to the kitchen to put it in the sink. He then started to down a long hallway, turning on the lights so he would be able to see. Sonic looked down the hallway and watched Shadow walk down it, staring at his tail. Sonic bit his lip and wolf called at Shadow by accident

"Oh fuck! I didn't mean for that to slip out!" Sonic blushed as he seen Shadow turn around and look at him, his face beet red

"S-Sorry." Sonic stated

"There's nothing to be sorry about calm down." Shadow replied. Sonic nodded and Shadow started heading to the bathroom again. Sonic walked over to the kitchen and gasps. The kitchen was huge! There was a marble table sitting in the middle of the kitchen with 8 chairs around it. The counters were marble as well. The cabinets were a nice oak wood color and the floor was tiles the same color as the living room. His kitchen was quite spacious since there was a table in the middle of it. As Sonic was about to get something to drink, he had heard a noise. It sounded angel like beat. Sonic, wanting to know more, followed the sound, which lead him to the bathroom. Once he was there, he cracked the door open to see Shadow in the shower with the curtain closed, humming to the beat of the song, waiting for the singer to start singing

(Listen to Moonlight by Ariana Grande)

Shadow: The Sun is setting

Sonic blushed at Shadow's singing as his eyes widened. Shadow's voice harmonized with the girl's singing, which was super shocking for him

And you're right here by my side

And the movie is playing

But we won't be watching tonight

Every look

Every touch

Makes me wanna give you my heart

I'd be crushin' on you, baby

Stay the way you are

Cause I never knew

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