Chapter 12: No Means No!

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(Normal Pov)

Sonic had made it to Emerald Park and he immediately started looking for Shadow. He missed his little emerald. His little....adorable..

"Wait what the fuck?" Sonic had stopped walking when he had seen Shadow, but seen him with someone else as well. When he got a closer look, he had seen that it was Mephiles. He eyes flashed red as he balled his fists and started walking over to them

"Hey Sonikku." Shadow smiled. Mephiles rolled his eyes at Sonic. Sonic raised an eyebrow at Mephiles

"Problem bitch?" Sonic growled. Shadow's eyes widened

"Who the fuck you calling a bitch?" Mephiles got into Sonic's face. Sonic chuckled and pushed Mephiles out of his face

"You asshole!" Sonic hissed

"Hey calm down you two." Shadow had a worried expression on his face. Sonic hmph and Mephiles just crossed his arms

"Now Sonic what's wrong?" Shadow questioned

"I don't want you hanging out with that thing." Sonic growled. Mephiles eyes flashed as he growled and punched Sonic

"I have a name bitch." Mephiles hissed. Sonic got up and tackled Mephiles down to the ground, rapidly punching him in his face. Mephiles kicked Sonic off of his and grabbed his quills, pulling him to the ground and slamming his head on the ground. Sonic growled as a dark blue aura began to surround him. He got up and seen Mephiles looking at him. He grabbed him by his neck and kneed Mephiles in the stomach. He pulled his fist back and slammed it into Mephiles face, knocking him out. Sonic dropped Mephiles as continuous growls came out of his mouth

"Sonic what the fuck is wrong with you!?" Shadow screamed. People in the park had recorded the fight and were posting it on the internet

"I don't want you hanging out with someone you used to date! You're mine and only mine! It's fucking obvious that jackass has a fucking crush on you!" Sonic shouted back

"But Sonic!" Shadow begged

"DON'T 'BUT SONIC' ME!! NO MEANS NO SHADOW!" Sonic was still dark and his eyes were white. He went over to Shadow and picked him up, walking off with him

"Let me go! Let me go!" Shadow kicked and squirmed around

"If you don't stop squirming I will make you scream my name in front of all these people. Since you wanna put on a show for them." Sonic smirked, but said forcefully. Shadow whimpered and stopped kicking and squirming. He tucked his head into Sonic's neck and wrapped his arms around Sonic's neck

"That's better." Sonic then had began to run, trying to hurry and get home...

(Later) (With Mephiles)

Mephiles has woken up in the park and growled

"He's not gonna get in the way of me having my Shadow. I'll kill that fucker if I have to." Mephiles hissed as he got up and began walking home...
O_o Sonic: 2 & Mephiles: 0. What will happen next!? Find out next time!

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