Chapter 6: Oh Shit! Fight!

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(Normal Pov) (Morning) (With Sonic)

Sonic woke up and heard rumbling and talking downstairs. He noticed that Shadow wasn't on top of him like he was last night either

"He's probably downstairs watching TV since I hear voices." Sonic thought. Sonic then got up and slipped on his pants. He was gonna put on his shirt, but he noticed that his shirt wasn't there anymore. He then smirked

"Shadow's probably wearing it." Sonic chuckled to himself. He opened the door and began walking downstairs. When he got there, his eyes widened as he seen all his friends sitting on the couches talking. They then looked at him

"Ummmm." Shadow blushed and rubbed the back of his neck

"I knew that looked like Sonic's shirt!!" Niesha shouted. Shadow then pulled his legs up onto the couch and cuddled the couch, hiding his face

"Hey leave him alone." Sonic laughed going over to Shadow and sitting by him, putting his arm around his shoulders. Shadow then turned and snuggled into Sonic's side, hiding his face. Sonic smiled and kissed his forehead

"Awww! That's so cute!~" Cream cooed

"IT'S YAOI!! WHAT'S NOT CUTE ABOUT YAOI!?" Niesha jumped out of her seat, smiling big. Brenda giggled and pulled Niesha back to seat down. Niesha fell back into her seat smiling

"Calm down Yaoi Lover." Brenda yawned and cuddled up to Niesha's side

"I'm taking the guess that you two are together right?" Knuckles questioned, looking at Shadow and Sonic. Sonic smiled and nodded, hugging Shadow tightly

"He's my little Chaos Emerald~" Sonic cooed, picking Shadow's head up and kissing him lightly. Shadow kissed back then pulled away, snuggling back into Sonic's side

"You guys are so adorable!~ But you two need to get dressed." Rouge stated

"Why? What's up?" Shadow pulled his head away from Sonic's side

"We're going to the park. Kinda boring just sitting at home all the time." Knuckles stated

"Okay. Whelp Shadow let's go take a shower!~" Sonic smirked and picked up Shadow and put him over his shoulder. Sonic then started walking down the hallway with a flustered Shadow punching his back

"P-Put me down!!" Shadow screamed. Everyone else laughed as the two disappeared down the hall....


Shadow came back to the living room with a full on blush taking over his face. Everyone looked at him with a smirk

"We heard you two." Rouge stated. Shadow's eyes widened

"Oh fuck off!!" Shadow hissed as he covered his face. Sonic came a little while after and went up behind Shadow, hugging him around his waist

"Alright everyone. Let's head out." Sonic chuckled. Everyone then headed out and started walking to the park. To them, they thought walking was better because it gave them time to talk

"Hey Niesha?" Shadow questioned

"Yeah?" She looked at him

"Remember when we were players in highschool?" He reminded her. Niesha smirked and high fived him

"Hell yeah! Guys and girls all over us!!" Niesha chuckled. Brenda and Sonic looked at each other, then looked at Niesha and Shadow

"When was you two players?" Brenda and Sonic questioned. Shadow and Niesha then froze

"Shit..." They sweatdropped and then ran off

"GET BACK HERE!!!" Sonic and Brenda ran after them with the gang laughing and running after them as well. When they got to the park, Brenda and Sonic leaped forward and grabbed Niesha and Shadow knocking them to the ground and pinning them down

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