Chapter 18: Kidnapped

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Sorry for not updating in so long, I just ran out of ideas and I've been moving into a new house. Hope you enjoy this chapter though!
(2 Years Later) (Normal Pov)

Shadow had given birth to a health baby that him and Sonic decided to name Tobi. What surprised Shadow and Sonic the most was that their child could change genders. It was awesome to them, but they didn't expect their child to have that power. Tobi was 2 years old now and loved cutely walking/running around. Sonic had moved into Shadow's house because his flooring was a hard floor and Shadow loved hearing the sound of cute baby feet hitting the floor. Currently Shadow was trying to spike Tobi's hair. Though they were a girl right now, Tobi had boy hair and they planned on keeping it that way. They didn't know why they came out as two genders, but all and all, their parents loved them and that's all that mattered to them

"Daddy, when is father getting home?" Tobi questioned as Shadow grabbed some hair gel and a comb. Shadow then began fixing Tobi's hair

"I don't know sweetheart. Maybe in a few minutes." Shadow replied. For Tobi's age, they learned way to fast on how to talk and walk. When Tobi was 6 months, they learned how to walk which was shocking to Shadow and Sonic. And when Tobi turned 1, he/she started talking. They were wondering how their child was developing and learning things that fast for their age, but all and all, they loved Tobi no matter what

"Father's home!!" Sonic's voice rang from the living room

"Father!!" Tobi squirmed out of their seat and ran to the living room, jumping into Sonic's arms

"Hey sweetie. How's my little buddy doing?" Sonic chuckled. Tobi slowly turned into a boy in Sonic's arms and Sonic laughed

"I'm fine father. Daddy was doing my hair though, but I ran out to see you." Tobi replied as Sonic kissed their cheek and sat them down onto the floor. Shadow came into the living room and went straight to Sonic, kissing him on the lips

"How was work babe?" Shadow questioned, picking Tobi up again and holding them against his hip. Tobi yawned

"It was fine. Tails, Knuckles, and I got in trouble by the boss for doing a transformers remake in the office." Sonic chuckled. Shadow giggled as while and felt Tobi lay their head against his head

"Let me go put Tobi down to sleep. I'll be right back." Shadow stated, walking down the hall to Tobi's room. Once in there, Shadow laid Tobi underneath their blanket and tucked them in, placing a kiss on their forehead and walking out, closing their door. Shadow made his way back into the living room to see Sonic sitting on the couch. He sat down beside Sonic and cuddled into his side

"Have you heard from Mephiles and Silver?" Shadow questioned

"Nope, but I'm guessing they're enjoying their little honeymoon." Sonic snickered. Mephiles and Silver had gotten married two days ago. 2 years back, Silver had started talking to Mephiles and Mephiles's act started to straighten up. He stopped obsessing over Shadow and he stopped fucking around with Sally. Soon he started developing feelings for Silver and he confessed his feelings, with Silver doing the same back. They were dating for 4 months before Mephiles finally popped the question, which was a scream and squeal of yes from Silver. Shadow was Mephiles's best man and Sonic was Silver's best man. The wedding and after party was awesome and definitely a day none of them would forget

"True....I remember the day we got married." Shadow chuckled as Sonic wrapped his arms around him, both remembering the day of their marriage, which was not too long ago from when Mephiles proposed to Silver....

(Flashback) (With Sonic)

"Guys I don't know about this. What if we're moving too fast? What if he only said yes to make me happy? I'm gonna go talk to him." Sonic panicked. Knuckles grabbed Sonic by the collar of his black and blue tux and yanked him up, slapping him across his face

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