First Day of School Special!

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Now, I didn't warn you guys about this, but I was bored and it was a couple of days before school started. I want to give you guys this story because well, I think you are deserve it XD Now, the young kids (Venus, Laney, Rainy, Sunshine, etc) are a bit older, hitting a good fourteen years old. They're about to go to their first day of high school, let's just see how this pans out! Enjoy!
(Normal Pov)

"Moooommmm!! Those are enough pictures!" Ember groaned a bit, removing her arm from Sunshine's shoulder. Cream pouted a bit, making Ember frown

"Mom no, you know I can't resist the pouty face. Please Chaos no." Ember looked away

"Mother help me!"

"Okay girls calm down." Amy laughed as she walked over to her wife and child. She gave Cream a kiss on the cheek

"You have enough pictures of them Creamy." Cream sighed and nodded


"FATHER NO!" Sonic was chasing after Sunshine's boyfriend, Venus, for some odd reason they all didn't know. All they knew was that Sonic had wanted to have a conversation with the boy



"Annnddd Rainy's emotional."

"Kiss my ass!"

"LANGUAGE!" Rainy covered her mouth quickly, shouting a sorry to her parents as she ran into the kitchen. Shadow came into the living room and was quick to grab Sonic, Venus hopping over a couch and hiding behind Sunshine

"What did the boy do? If it's a good reason to why you wanna kill him, I'll let ya do it."

"Shadow, he's not killing my son." Silver facepalmed

"Yeah!! Tell em da-" Venus couldn't finish his sentence because Sonic growled at him

"The boy wants to take Sunshine out on a date... A DATE!? They aren't old enough for a date yet!" Sonic complained. Sunshine blushed a bit and looked at Venus, who was nervously smiling at her

"I....don't see a problem with them perhaps going to a movie of some sorts." Mephiles jumped in

"I mean, it shouldn't be a problem." Shadow agreed, letting go of Sonic. Sonic turned around to his husband

"Are you kidding me!?" Sonic threw his hands up. Sonic was overprotective when it came to his kids, even them dating someone threw him off. Yet, he wasn't so surprised when Rainy ended up in a poly relationship with Laney and Ember. It was sort of crazy how they even got together. For Sunshine and Rainy's birthday, Laney and Ember both had the idea of confessing their feelings to Rainy and asking her to be theirs. Well, when it had become time to do it, they both did it at the same time, even though they didn't want to. The two girls were about to fight, but Rainy jumped in and offered a relationship where all of them could be happy with each other. They agreed of course, but now Ember and Laney are still trying to get use to each other. So far, they've gotten to the stage of sort of liking one another and it makes Rainy so happy

"Come on father, please!" Sunshine slightly begged, looking at her father for acceptance. Sonic looked at her, then Shadow, and then sighed

"Fine!" Sonic gave in, Sunshine cheering and running over to him to hug him

"Thank you Father!" She squealed. When her and Venus got together, it was sort of bland. He asked her out a week after her birthday in forth of Sonic. Even though Sonic almost killed him, he was so happy that Sunshine had said yes

"Well let's get some more pictures in!" Brenda cheered, walking down the stairs

"Where's Tobi, Jordan, and Sam?" Niesha questioned in wonder

"I'M BACK BITCHES!" A loud shout and slam came from the front door

"LANGUAGE CHILD!" Tobi and Jordan stood in the doorway, Jordan holding their little boy Sam

"Sammy!" Sunshine squealed, running over to Jordan, waiting to see Sam. Jordan chuckled and bent down, setting Sam in Sunshine's arms. Sam was only around two years old, the small boy being the second child they've had

"Where's Gabby?" Sonic questioned, walking to Tobi

"You know how she is. She headed to school early." Tobi smiled. Sonic chuckled a bit

"I'm not surprised in the least bit." Shadow had jumped into the conversation, leaning on Sonic's back and wrapping his arms around his husband's neck, smiling small bit

"Kids, you have to head to school now! You're gonna be late!"


"Language Laney!" Laney wrapped one arm around Ember's waist and pulled Rainy towards her and Ember, her and Ember both kissing Rainy on each cheek, getting a giggle from the girl

"PDA!" The parents yelled, causing the three from separating from each other

"Sorry..." The three mumbled, splitting away from each other with small giggles

"WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Venus picked up Sunshine, running out of the house



"Tobi, can you take us to school?" Tobi looked down to see Preston and Ace standing in front of him holding hands. You've never seen one without the other surprisingly

"Yeah sure. Let's go the rest of you." Tobi called out. The rest of the kids said bye to their parents before running out to Tobi's car, Sam and Jordan staying at the house

"This love has taken its toll, on me! She said goodbye! Too many times before!" Rainy sung as she heard the song play in the radio

"I would've be surprised if you got accepted into Hollywood Arts. You're a natural sis." Tobi smiled brightly as she switched into a boy before pulling out of the drive way. Rainy, who was sitting in Ember's lap (both of them sitting in the front) and was holding Laney's hand, who was sitting in the backseat behind them, smiled at them, thanking Tobi

"I hope I do honestly." Tobi replied as Preston and Laney were singing. After a while, Tobi reached their school, seeing Sonic holding Venus by the collar of his shirt. Tobi quickly parked and everyone jumped out of the car, running over to Sonic

"Father! Put him down!" Tobi called. Sonic looked up and seen all of them, putting Venus down with a sigh

"Just.... Keep my girl safe okay?" Sonic groaned a bit. Venus giving a serious look, nodded

"Yes sir. I'd do anything for your daughter." Sonic secretly smiled, turning away and grabbing Tobi's wrist as they walked

"Come on Tabby Cat. Let's head back to the house." Sonic and Tobi soon left, leaving the kids in the front of the school

"Well... The first day should be interesting." Rainy stated

"Fucking shit, dicks, balls, ass cakes!" Everyone sweat dropped at Laney's words

"Babe?" Ember and Rainy looked her way, the same word coming out of their mouths

"Sorry, I've wanted to get that out all morning before school started. Now, let's go get our schedules!" Laney grabbed her girlfriend's hands and ran into the school pulling them along, followed by Ace, Preston, Venus, and Sunshine.......
Hopefully you guys enjoyed!!! :))))

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