Chapter 7: Talking

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(Normal Pov) (In The Mystic Ruins)

Shadow and the gang were sitting beside a lake. There was a waterfall attached to it that made it more peaceful and beautiful. Sonic had Shadow in his lap and he was hugging him tightly, rocking a little. Shadow went safe in Sonic's arms and purred

"Okay Shadow. Time to talk." Brenda stated. Shadow opened his eyed and sighed

"Fine. So I can get it over with. Sonic you remember the dude you fought earlier in the park right?" Shadow looked back at Sonic

"Yeah I remember him. Why?" Sonic growled as Mephiles's face appeared in his head

"Well basically he's the one that made me not want to be in anymore relationships and not to trust anyone anymore. His name, as you may already know, is Mephiles The Dark. He's my ex from highschool. I dated him before you started going to our highschool. Mephiles and I had started dating in 7th grade. We got together because of Rouge." Shadow sent daggers Rouge way. Rouge looked sad

"I'm sorry Shadow. I didn't know he was like that. He seemed so into you." Rouge lowered her head. 'Til this day, she still hates herself for bringing Shadow and Mephiles together

"Anyway. We met because of Rouge. Mephiles was a guy Rouge met on one of the trips she went to when she was younger with her parents. Her and Mephiles kept in contact and when he told Rouge that he was gonna be moving to where she lived, she was so excites for me and the others to meet him. When he came, Rouge had invited everyone to her house so we could all get to know him. He was a nice, polite, and cool looking guy to Niesha." Shadow continued

"What?! He was until he messed with Shadow!" Niesha hissed. Shadow shook his head

"Anyway Niesha and him were, as I would call it, best friends. Brenda always had a bad feeling about Mephiles though, but most of it was because her and Niesha weren't going out at the time and she had a thing for Niesha and she didn't trust Mephiles. As time went by, Mephiles had seem to always stick around me and I had started taking a liking for him. Rouge always told me that he liked me as much as I liked him, but I never believed her. One day, Rouge had wanted everyone to come over her house for the day and since no body was doing anything, we all met up at Rouge's house. Mephiles had ended up sitting next to me and was holding my hand. At that time, since I had a crush on him and thought he was a good guy, I held hands with him and intertwined our fingers. Now Rouge thought it would be a good idea to play Truth Or Dare and everyone had agreed. As time went by, Niesha and Brenda had ended up kissing and Niesha had picked up Brenda and took her upstairs to Rouge's guest room." Shadow chuckled. Niesha smirked as Brenda hid her face

"Ohhh memories." Niesha hummed. Shadow sighed as he continued

"Rouge had ended up daring Mephiles to kiss me. We kissed and Mephiles had confessed his feelings for me and like I said, I liked him at the time, so I confessed mine back. That night, Mephiles and I had gotten together and Niesha and Brenda never came out of Rouge's guest room until the next morning and Brenda had ended up coming downstairs in Niesha's shirt, which was surprisingly like a minigown on her." Shadow and the others laughed. Brenda blushed

"I was short dammit! Leave meh alone!" Brenda shouted. Niesha hugged her and kissed her forehead

"Aww babe calm down. Shadow's just teasing sweetie." Niesha cooed as Brenda snuggled in her arms

"Anyway a few months later, like a month before you appeared Sonic, Niesha invited everyone over her house. Usually Mephiles would come and get me, but he didn't. So instead of waiting for him, I went on to Niesha's house. When I got there, I went in and didn't see Mephiles anywhere. I asked Cream if she had seen him and she said that she hadn't heard from him the whole day. So I got worried and asked everyone else and they basically said things like 'I haven't heard from him' and 'Last time I heard from him was at school'. So I decided that I was gonna go to Mephiles's house and find out if anything happened to him. When I got there, I heard laughing from inside his house. Since I was curious, I used the key Mephiles had given me and I walked in. When I went in, I seen Mephiles sitting on the couch laughing at the TV." ......

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