Chapter 5: Us Against The World

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(Previous Chapter)

"Shouldn't have kept running your hands through your quills." Sonic replied and began biting at Shadow's neck. Moans flying out of the black and red hedgehog's mouth....

(Normal Pov)

Sonic's hands began to roam around Shadow's body, teasing the black hedgehog. Shadow whimpered, running his hands through Sonic's quills. Sonic then put his hands underneath Shadow's knee, picking the black hedgehog up and wrapping his legs around his waist. Sonic then went back to kissing and nipping at Shadow's neck, grinding against him to add more pleasure. The black hedgehog was panting and blushing, wrapping his arms around Sonic's neck. Shadow felt like he had shattered from pleasure and this was only from grinding and light nips at his neck! Sonic then pulled away with a smirk on his face

"Do you mine if we....heh take it a step farther?" Shadow shuttered at how deep Sonic's voice had become. He couldn't even look at him without shuttering or moaning. Shadow then bit his lip

"I-I...." Sonic knew what he was trying to say. He carefully put Shadow onto his feet and kissed him softly

"I understand that you aren't ready. I'm not gonna rush you." Sonic gave Shadow a soft smile

(A/N: Ha!! You guys thought there was gonna be a lemon!!! XD I'm so Mean!!!)

"Thanks for understanding." Shadow then smiled and hugged Sonic. Sonic chuckled and hugged back

"You're welcome." Sonic kissed Shadow on his forehead. Sonic then smirks again. Shadow looks at Sonic in confusion

"W-What are you smirking about?" Shadow questioned. Sonic bit his lip

"Oh I don't know....maybe it's because a very sexy black and red hedgehog by the name of Shadow is standing in front of me still with a towel half way off of his hip from our little moment." Sonic chuckled deeply. Shadow blushed beet red and turned around, wrapping his towel more tighter around his waist

"I'm going to put some clothes on." Shadow mumbled and started walking to his room. Sonic followed after him. Shadow turned around and looked at him

"Uhh what are you doing?" Shadow asked

"Following you to where I'm sleeping tonight. I'm tired." Sonic faked a yawn and smirked. Shadow facepalmed, but smiled none the less. He opened the door to his room. Sonic walked in after him and jumped onto Shadow's king sized bed

"Wow. You sleep on this size of a bed by yourself?" Sonic questioned looking at the ceiling as Shadow placed on some clothes

"I mean yeah. It's comfy." Shadow giggled. Sonic chuckled a little himself and closed his eyes. He suddenly felt pressure on top of him. He opened his eyes to see Shadow on top of him. Shadow's arms were around Sonic's waist and his head was on Sonic's chest. Sonic laughed

"You're such a big adorable baby Shadow." Sonic stated as Shadow snuggled up more to his chest

"I am not a baby. I just like cuddling." Shadow replied in a sleepy voice

"Hey do you have something I could put on to sleep in?" Sonic questioned. Shadow then blinked and pulled his head off of Sonic's chest

"" Shadow pouted. Sonic then smirked

"Oh okay. I'll just sleep in my boxers if that's okay." Sonic snickered. Shadow blushed and got off of Sonic

"Yeah sure. Go ahead." Shadow stated as he got underneath the covers. He would have allowed Sonic to wear some of his clothes, but his clothes are too small for Sonic. If Shadow were to put on Sonic's shirt, it'd be a freaking mini gown to him. Shadow looked at Sonic to see him pulling off his shirt slowly. When Sonic got it off, he seen Shadow looking at him with a blush. Sonic then threw his shirt onto Shadow's face

"You shy pervert." Sonic chuckled. Shadow tore the shirt off of his face

"Says the one that put my legs around his waist and grinded against me not to long ago." Shadow smirked as a blush came across Sonic's face

"Yes! I finally got you to blush!" Shadow celebrated. Sonic shook his head with a smile and took off his shoes, socks, and pants. He went over to the light switch and switched it off. He then went back over to the bed and climbed into it beside Shadow. Shadow climbed on top of Sonic and wrapped his arms around his waist, putting his head on Sonic's chest. Sonic chuckled and put one arm under his head and the other around Shadow, kissing him on his forehead

"Hey Sonic?" Shadow yawned. Sonic opened one of his eyes

"Yes Shads?" Sonic wondered

"I'm....I'm ready to give you a chance." Shadow stated. Sonic was then wide awake

"YAHHHOOOO!!!" Sonic cheered. Shadow laughed as Sonic flipped Shadow onto his back and kissed him passionately. Shadow kissed back with a smile on his face. Sonic pulled away and gave Shadow his brightest smile

"Thank you so much Shadow!" Sonic hugged him. Shadow hugged him back

"Just promise me....that you'll never abandon me and that you will always be by my side no matter what happens." Shadow spoke. Sonic smiled softly and kissed him again

"I I swear that I will never abandon you, I will always be by your side no matter what, and I will love you until the end of time. It's us against the world and anyone that tries to break us apart. You're my one and only and I'm not letting anyone take you away from me my little Chaos Emerald." Sonic gave Shadow a soft smile

"Your little Chaos Emerald?" Shadow raised an eyebrow with a wide smile

"Yeah because like chaos emeralds, you hold a lot of power. You're amazing, beautiful, and stunning to look at and everyone wants one. You're my little Chaos Emerald. Mine and mines only." Sonic replied. Shadow's eyes welled up with tears. He pulled Sonic back down and gave him a kiss. Sonic smiled and kissed back. Shadow then pulled away

"I-I....That is the most amazing thing anyone has ever said to me." Shadow said. Sonic wiped away the tears coming out of Shadow's eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"I'm just telling you how much I love you. Just wait until tomorrow and I'll be able to show you off to everyone." Sonic said

"I love you too..." Shadow smiled. Sonic then laid down next to Shadow, pulling Shadow on top of him and hugging him tightly. Shadow placed his arms around Sonic's neck, hugging him back

"Goodnight Sonikku." Shadow yawned

"Goodnight my little Chaos Emerald." Sonic smiled.....
That's it for this chapter! What will happen next!? Find out next time!!

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