Chapter 8: Ready

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Recap: "And that's why I stopped trusting people with my heart." Shadow finished. Sonic was growling...

(Normal Pov)

Shadow hugged Sonic as he continued growling. Sonic hugged back as his growling went down

"I'm sorry that happened to you Shadow. I really am." Sonic stated. Shadow nodded and pulled away from the hug

"It didn't really matter. After that and for the rest of high school I just turn into a player know. I had to get my mind off of Mephiles." Shadow replied. Niesha then started laughing

"Sonic was apart if our group for a while remember Shadow?" She laughed

"Ohh yeah! That was like a week or two after you got there!" Shadow's eyes beamed

"See I would call you all thots, but that doesn't describe you guys good enough." Brenda raised an eyebrow. Niesha kissed her hard and pulled away, leaving Brenda daze

"Shush." Was all Niesha said before getting up and walking over to Shadow and Sonic, with Silver, Tails, and Knuckles following

"I remember everyone's place in the group." Silver stated as he, Tails, Niesha, and Knuckles sat down in front of Shadow and Sonic

"I was the innocent one. Girls only wanted a make-out with me and wanted me as a boyfriend." Tails spoke for himself

"I was innocent, but not that innocent. Girls and I did oral, but that was about it. Girls always said I was a pro." Silver chuckled with a smirk

"Knuckles and I only hit it from the back. We was scared to get someone pregnant." Sonic laughed along with the rest

"Niesha and I went all out, since we did guys and girls. That was a hell of an experience wasn't it Niesha?" Shadow chuckled as he and Niesha high fived

"And you guys girlfriends are right here!!" Blaze, Brenda, and Rouge shouted. Knuckles, Niesha, and Silver sweatdropped

"Sorry." They replied

"I never knew Amy and Cream were in a relationship." Shadow stated. The guys looked back and seen Amy and Cream, far away from the other girls, making out. Amy pinning Cream down to the floor, kissing her passionately

"Well now we know." Sonic chuckled...


"Well guys we'll see you guys later!" Sonic shouted as he and Shadow waved at their friends

"Bye!" They shouted back. Sonic then picked up Shadow and began running back to Shadow's house. When they got there, Sonic opened the door and closed it with his foot, setting Shadow down onto his feet

"Home sweet home." Shadow stretched. He can admit, he did miss his home, but he did need to get out of the house. Sonic then smirked as he grabbed Shadow's tail. Shadow squeaked with a full blush on his face

"Don't do that!" Shadow jumped around to see Sonic, who had a big smirk on his face. Sonic then pinned Shadow against the wall and put his mouth close to his ear

"I just wanna hear you scream my name baby." Sonic growled seductively in Shadow's ear. Shadow shuddered and bit his lip. Sonic then chuckled

"I'mma make you scream my name. I'mma make you glad you came." Sonic sang softly in Shadow's ear again, pressing his body tightly against Shadow's. He then picked up Shadow's legs and wrapped them around his waist, grinding against Shadow. Shadow wrapped his arms around Sonic's neck and threw his head back softly, a moan and a few whimpers leaving his mouth. Sonic chuckled and continued grinding against Shadow, causing the smaller hedgehog to whimper uncontrollably. Shadow then looked at Sonic and seen that Sonic was looking at him, biting his lip and his eyes filled with lust. Shadow moaned again

"S-Sonic?" Shadow whimpered

"Hmmm?" Sonic was too into pleasure himself to open his mouth

"I'm ready." Shadow moaned. Sonic's eyes lowered as he smirked. That's all he needed to hear....
I'm starting to like having Shadow as the uke. Lemon next chapter! XD

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