Chapter 3: Date & Memories

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(Monday Morning) (With Sonic)

Sonic had woken up and jumped out of bed, full of energy and happiness. He had a wonderful sleep. His dreams were filled with him and Shadow. Him getting to hold Shadow, for him to kiss Shadow without a care in the world, and love him like he wants to. Sonic then sighed, going over to his closet and pulling out a red hoodie and some blue skinny jeans. He quickly changed and ran downstairs to see Brenda and Niesha already awake and about to leave. Sonic looked at them

"Hey guys. Where are gall going?" He questioned. Niesha and Brenda looked at him

"A date. Why?" Brenda intertwined her fingers with Niesha's

"You mind if maybe...I invite Shadow with us and we all have a double date?" Sonic questioned nervously. He was never a person to ask another couple would they like to change their date into a double date. He was always to nervous to do that. Niesha chuckled

"Sure Sonic. Go call him and see what he says." Niesha replied. Sonic pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Shadow

"Hello." Shadow answered

"Hey Shads! I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with Niesha and Brenda." Sonic bit his lip nervously, afraid of rejection

"I'd love too! When does it start?" Sonic could partially hear the excitement in Shadow's voice. He chuckled

"Now. So if you aren't ready, get ready. The girls and I are on our way to get you." Sonic stated

"Okay. See you later then. Bye." Shadow said then hung up. Sonic turned off his phone and put it back into his pocket

"Soooo how'd it go?" Brenda questioned

"The double date is set. Let's head over to his house and pick him up." Sonic smirked walking out of the house with the girls following....


Sonic, Brenda, and Niesha had finally arrived at Shadow's house. They walked up to the door and Sonic knocked on it. Shadow opened it and Sonic was speechless. Shadow was wearing a white button down shirt, black slacks, black hightops with a little white in them, and a black male vest. Sonic was basically drooling....Like literally drooling!

"Umm Sonic?" Brenda questioned. Shadow blushed and looked at Niesha

"Is he drooling because of me?" Shadow asked. Niesha chuckled

"He's staring at you isn't he?" Niesha smirked. Shadow blushed harder. Brenda snapped her fingers and Sonic was out of his trance

"Huh!? What happened?" Sonic asked

"First, how about you go wipe that drool from your chin and then we'll tell you." Brenda laughed as Sonic yelped and carefully walked past Shadow into his house, leaving Brenda and Niesha laughing and Shadow to blush like no tomorrow....

(A Little Later)

Sonic had came out of the bathroom to see Shadow, Niesha, and Brenda talking in the doorway

"I mean...I just wanna get to trust him first before I tell him anything that's important as my past. You can't just trust people with important information like that ya know?" Shadow bit his lip. Niesha crossed her arms

"You and Sonic have known each other for 2 years now and you still don't trust him?" Niesha questioned

"It's not that I don't trust him! It's the fact that I love him, but...I can't explain it." Shadow's eyes started to water

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