Saying Goodbye

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Tyler's POV
I woke up with a feeling of emptiness I've gotten all to familiar with. Next to me is a note, wait no an essay that strongly smells of Aurora. Before I read it I decide to shower, go for a run and eat breakfast. For breakfast I eat French Toast, a breakfast sandwich and drink lots of orange juice. I walk up to my room and look at the note. I begin reading the note that will shatter me. "Dear Tyler, I know I've just gotten back from another 3 months being without you but I had to go. If seems like since I've moved in with you I have spent more time being away from you willingly and non willingly. I continue to break your heart and hurt you. I don't mean to do that to you this time but this is something I have to do. This year alone I've: lost my father, met my mate, run away from my mate, find another pack that's welcomed me, gone back to my mate, be kidnapped by his father and my uncle, and lost myself in all the madness. I hope you can understand that I've left not just for me but for the both of us. While I'm gone I will be working on helping myself and my wolf heal from what we've been through. Of course I'll come visit you and you can visit me every other full moon and on special occasions. I honestly wish I could've been there with you as you read this or even when you woke up. I knew if I stayed until you woke up I would have never left so I took the cowardly way out. We don't know each other very well but yet it feels like I've known you for a lifetime. Yesterday you quoted my favorite movie you know The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, you even added your own words to it. You told me 'We accept the love we think we deserve'  and that I'm selling myself short because I deserve more than what I think. I truly believe that one day I will love you the way you love me. It may never happen in your lifetime or in mine but it'll happen. You love me more than I love myself and I cannot say I love you like that. Don't  get me wrong I do love you and care for you deeply but I don't possess that type of love for you. I know now you are either hurting, angry or numb but I'm asking you to turn it into something productive. Take a break, do some light traveling, meet a stranger who will forever change your life the way you will change theirs. Live a lot in a little time! Damn, it sounds like I'm dying. As if this were a goodbye forever note and I hope you don't think this is because it isn't. This is temporary and we'll be together as soon as I'm positive I can truly be with you without any difficulties. I don't want you to sit and watch me struggle to stop harming myself, struggle to learn to love myself, struggle to learn to love you and struggle to be me again. Now I'm just a damaged 20 year old woman who needs to grieve the loss of her family and the 20 year old girl who I once was. I am being selfish. I'm not thinking of your feelings or the feelings of your pack now. One day I hope you all forgive me for this. I know a Luna isn't supposed to back out and leave just because I'm struggling, hell some Luna's went through worse and stayed. I guess I'll see you when I see you. Feel free to love whomever you choose. I know I will if the time comes. Just remember me. Remember the girl you spend hours watching Criminal Minds with and all our late night snacking. Don't remember the broken woman who left you. I do feel bad for being selfish and not even basing my decision on how it effects others around me. Hell  I'm very impulsive I guess you could say. I'm not going to ask you to wait forever for me but please wait a little bit? I'll come around I swear to you I will. Just give me time; I'll make it all up to you and your pack. I have to go now, it's almost dawn and wolves will be waking soon. I love you Tyler. Hopefully one day I can say that I'm in love with you. Goodbye,
Love Aurora"
I sat there finishing the letter and I felt an overwhelming sense of anger. She is right, she's being completely selfish. She could've talked to me and I could've helped her find a place where her and her alone could've worked on herself. She keeps choosing to leave me as if all the pain I've suffered doesn't matter. My pack mourned for her! They cried and searched for our Luna. We spent thousands of dollars looking for her or even a piece of her hoping to find her. This note not only pisses me off because she failed to think of how I'd feel but even more so because she completely dismissed the feelings of the pack members. I call a mandatory pack meeting so I can tell everyone of the news. My wolf and I have built all the walls back up. We now know that our mate isn't to be trusted no matter what. She will have to prove herself worthy of our love and trust before she can even step foot in my home. I make my way to the meeting fields right outside and start my address. "Hello everyone. I have news to share with you regarding Aurora. She has left us once again this time by her own choice." People start angrily shouting and voicing their anger. I read them the note with a hard face and once I am finished I look out in the crowd. Most of the men are furious, some women are shaking their heads and then there are some who are crying. Jason and Sarah look at me and I can tell just how hurt and angry they both are. Jason looks like he needs to blow off steam and Sarah looks as if she's going to cry then beat someone's face in. Once I get them to quiet down I decide to end this gathering my saying a few words. "She is my mate so I will never reject her but you can all be damn sure about one thing. She will not be welcomed back with open arms. She will be greeted like any other rogue who wants to join the pack. She will live with the omegas but will still be considered less than they are. Aurora will not be our Luna until she acts as one." I snarl into the microphone and walk away. Behind me I hear my pack mates cheer in agreement and my wolf and I are beyond happy. So far being without her hasn't shattered me as I thought it would, it made me stronger. 

Hiya again! Double update and if you're lucky you might get another one

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Hiya again! Double update and if you're lucky you might get another one. How'd you like it? I love feedback so comment/message me. Yes no or maybe so on who I chose for Jason (in the slide)and Sarah(up above)!? Also want feedback on that. Love ya's!

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