Part 1 (Shadow's Quest)

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                                                                                  Chapter 1

For the first time in her life, she was scared. She never got scared. She was a Marxx after all and a Marxx just didn't get scared. Nor did they feel fear. The ugly thing in front of her was strong and very fast. It seemed to be able to read her mind. It was just one step ahead of her.

"I can read your mind" It said in a garbled voice.

"Really? So you know what I'm going to do next then?" She said smiling.

"Of course. You think you can defeat me? You may be good, little girl, but I'm the best. I have survived much stronger people than you." It laughed. She had only a split second to make her move. She jumped into the air, pulled a dagger out of her left boot and hurled herself at the thing. It yelled out in surprise.

"Didn't see that comin' did ya?" She said pulling the silver dagger out of its chest.

"You will die. Not by my hand, it would seem, but soon. I promise you that, little girl." It said gasping out its last gargled breaths. She backed up a few feet. She knew what was going to happen next. The thing caught fire that burned black and within seconds there was nothing left but a small pile of ash. She called up a gust of wind and blew the ashes away, leaving no trace of the thing or her.

She was high on adrenaline and needed to wind down before heading back to the office. She decided a walk would be best. The night air was cool and the stars were burning brightly above her. She closed her eyes and breathed in the night air. She caught a whiff of something on the breeze. Her eyes shot open and she darted to the right, behind some bushes. She crouched low and scanned the area.

"I guess it's true then." A familiar voice said in front of her.

"What's that?" She asked standing and smiling.

"Can't sneak up on you. I tried really hard too." The man said laughing.

"That's right. I don't know why you guys keep trying. One of these times I'm going to kill one of you idiots by accident." She swiped the hair out of her face and gave him her best smile.

"I'll keep that in mind. So, how did it go tonight? Since you failed to call me, again, I assume you were successful." The man asked.

"It was fine." She says shrugging.

"Tell me." He said quietly. "Was it him?"

"No. This one was one of his though. I could smell him on the thing."

"Oh well, let's get you to the office for briefing." He turned and she saw his black mustang about a block down the street.

"Yeah." She said starting after him. She climbed in and got comfortable. She didn't bother buckling up. He got in and started the car, but didn't move.

"Shadow, you need a break. That's the fourth one you've handled alone this week. You need to back off."

""No I don't." She said. She hated the nickname Shadow, but it fit her.

"Yes, you do. You're obsessed. You're too close to this."

"You think? He killed my family. My children. My husband and me." She finished quietly.

"You're not dead, Shadow." He said sternly

"Really? I'm not human, not anymore. I have no feelings. Not when I kill, not when I think about my family. Nothing. I may as well be dead. Besides, I have a reason to be obsessed, John. He's getting stronger and smarter everyday. I am the only one who can stop him and you know it." She finished and turned to face the window. John said nothing else for the rest of the drive. He had things he wanted to say to her, but he didn't. He knew she was off limits. She made that very clear to anyone who tried. He had read her file a hundred times. He knew what had happened to her, but not the details.

"You can stop that any time." She said sternly.

"What?" He asked and dared a glance out of the corner of his eye.

"Stop trying to figure me out."

"I'm not. Trust me I gave that up years ago." He said laughing.

"Well just stop whatever you're doing then. I can tell you're thinking hard about something. Something to do with me, so stop." She turned back to face the window.

"Okay." John smiled. Sometimes he was sure she could read minds.

They pulled into the underground garage and Shadow jumped out like she was glad to be out of the car.

"You sure you're okay?" John asked looking at her strangely.

"Fine. Let's get this over with. I need a drink." She glided away from his worried stare like a panther on the prowl.

Inside, Shadow took a deep breath and headed to the chief's office to give her report. She paused outside his door, and then knocked softly.

"Come in." The thick voice called.

"Sir, I'm here to give my report." Shadow said professionally.

"Sit down Shadow." He said not bothering to look up from the mess of papers on his desk. "I'm not happy Shadow." He said looking up at her.

"I'm sorry sir." She said calmly.

"You can't keep going out alone. I'm tired of having this discussion with you. What do you suppose I do?" He asked making it sound as if she had a real choice.

"I'm not sure sir. I don't like having to worry about someone else when I'm on the job. It's distracting. I can't afford that and hope to live." She said matter-of-factly. The chief let out a great sigh and said nothing for a few minutes.

"Shadow, I know you think this your fight and yours alone, but you need to slow down. If you don't start to have some kind of normal life, this will consume you."

"I can't have normal, sir. I've tried and it doesn't work. Not for me. Am I off this case?" She asked pointedly.

"No but you will take a partner from now on. Is that understood? No more solos."

"Sir..." Shadow started to protest but was hushed with a wave of his hand.

"No excuses dammit! You will do as I've ordered. These men are well trained. You need, no, I need to know that you are safe." He said with genuine concern in his voice.

"I'll be fine. I'll do as you ask because I like you, I respect you, and cause you're my friend. Is that all?" Shadow asked getting up.

"Yes, just write out your report and have it on my desk before you leave."

"No problem." She left the office and closed her eyes. She focused on her breathing, trying to keep calm.

"You okay?" John asked quietly.

"Fine. I have to write up my report. Do you wanna get a beer afterwards?"

"Of course." He sat down at his desk across form Shadow's. He watched her write down what happened earlier that night with blazing speed. He got up and walked around to peer over her shoulder.

"What John?" She asked smiling.

"I just wanted to see if I could read that. I assumed anyone who wrote that fast that the words would be illegible." He said with a soft laugh.

"Oh, guess you were wrong again. Get our coats while I take this to the chief." She said heading back to the chief's office.

"Sure." He said sadly. Shadow could hear the sadness and longing in his voice, but pushed it aside. She would never enter a relationship with someone who wasn't like her. Most men were intimidated by her anyway.

"You ready?" She asked smiling.

"Yup. After you, my lady." John said stepping aside and giving her a small bow.

"Very funny. Let's go. I need to loosen up and have a few drinks."

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