chapter 3

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Walking the long hall, Tess decided to go exploring. She wanted to see, if in fact, the hallway was never-ending. She passed by a few doors before trying to open one. The first one she tried was lock, but the second one wasn't. Cautiously she pushed it open and was surprised at how big it was. The room appeared to be a bedroom. The room was empty except for a huge bed in the middle.

"That's weird. I wonder why it's empty."

"It is empty, my lady, because it is one of many empty rooms in the castle. When someone needs it, it will be filled with what they require." Tess nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Rylan, you scared me! Sorry, but I got nosy."

"Not at all, my lady, you are more than welcome to explore, but there are some rooms you cannot enter."

"Like the door before this one?"

"Yes, it belongs to a guest that is here only a few months out of the year."

"I assume there are more interesting rooms than just spare bedrooms."

"Of course, my lady, if you would like I could give you the grand tour."

"That would be great." Rylan held out his arm and Tess took it without hesitation. As they walked, Tess wondered where Rylan would take her first. Her stomach turned and she felt her face flush. She turned her head so he wouldn't see.

"Is something wrong, my lady?"

"No, I'm fine. Just a little tired I guess."

"Should we return to your room?"

"No, I want to see whatever you want to show me."

"If you're sure?"

"Yes, I am." They continued down the hall. Tess noticed how soft and muscular Rylan's arm was. She felt his pace slow to match hers. Rylan was so mysterious and handsome; Tess wondered why he wasn't married.

"I was married once." Tess looked at him in shock.

"How did you know?"

"I can hear your thoughts. Well, some of them."

"Thanks for telling me. I'll remember to be more careful of what I think from now on. What happened to your wife?"

"She died." Tess saw a hurt look wash over his face.

"I'm so sorry. Was she ill?"

"No. She was beautiful and smart. She loved me for me, not what I had become because of the virus. She asked me once to change her so she could be with me forever. I couldn't do it. I told her that no one, not even the love of my life, should have to go through what I was going through. She objected, but in the end she gave up."

"That must have been hard for both of you. I couldn't even imagine how you handled it, especially when she died."

"It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, watching her die. I swore, as I held her hand and watched her take her last breath, that I would never put anyone in that position again and I haven't. I've tried to keep my distance from the fairer sex, that is, until I met you and Jessy."

"I'm sorry we ruined it for you."

"I'm not. I'm going to kiss you now. Is that okay?"

"I've been waiting for you ask since the first time I laid eyes on you." Rylan drew Tess in close to his body. He gently swept a stray hair form her face and cupped her cheeks. He swept his finger across her lips. Tess knew if he didn't kiss her she would explode.

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