Chapter 9: Bond

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Chapter 9:

Gray's P.O.V.

Nicole's blood left a tangy after taste in my mouth. Thankfully I no longer craved said red liquid.

We strolled back to the mansion, our home, after parking the car in the garage. Angel fished through his pocket and whipped out some keys which he used to unlock the front door. We stepped in and wiped our feet on the doormat. All the lights were switched off and the house looked like an 100 year old haunted mansion, although I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

"Melody's with Matthew." Angel called, making his way down the hall towards Matthew's room. Everyone who knew Angel agreed, we were convinced he had a gift. He just seemed to know everything and always had the correct answer. He denied such claims of having a gift, saying he just knew what he needed to know.

We crept into the room, not wanting to wake Melody if she were asleep. Melody lay across the sofa, her head resting on the arm of the sofa. Matthew, who was sitting at the opposite end of the sofa, had Melody's legs resting across his lap and had used his coat as a blanket over her legs. He was sitting in the dark, messing around with his iPhone boredly.

"How is she?" I asked.

I was surprised to hear Raven's voice, "Fine, actually. Well as fine as you can be after what happened to her. She's just tired." Raven was lounging on a chair that faced towards the huge window.

I bent over and moved her hair out of her face. She looked so peaceful yet who knew what monster haunted her dreams tonight.

I glanced up at the gash I had left on Matthew's face. I felt guiltier than ever before.

"Matthew, I- I'm so sorry. I wasn't myself. It's just cause she was with you and then that happened and I just- I just lashed out." The words came out extremely quickly, like word diarrhoea. Except I meant them, I was sorry and I hoped he had heard because I didn't think I'd be able to repeat them.

He frowned and after a few moments a smile crept onto his face "No, no. I totally understand. If it had have been my relative you had been in charge of and then this happened" He glanced at Melody's sleeping form "I'd be pretty pissed too. No harsh feelings." He beamed.

I raised an eyebrow, well now that he put it like that...

Melody's P.O.V.

I awoke to the sound of hushed, arguing voices.

"I really don't think that's a good idea"

"Of course it's a good idea. It's a brilliant idea!" An excited voice, who I recognised to be Gray's, exploded.

I sat up and found Raven, his palm at his head and Gray, looking like a world changing idea had just struck him. He looked happy and refreshed which was a big relief.

"So much for being quiet." Raven hissed, sighing.

"Ah! Sorry Mel! Go back asleep"

I groaned, rubbing my eyes, it was bright out. "What time is it?"

"2pm." Matt's voice came from beside my ear. I jumped and looked to my right. Matt was standing behind the sofa, leaning his crossed arms along the back of the sofa with his chin resting on them.

"Never mind don't go back asleep!" Gray exclaimed.

"You've been asleep for over 12 hours." Matt stated calmly.

My eyes widened in surprise and I slowly stood up, stretching. 

"Melooooooddddddyyyyy!" Gray exclaimed, tackle hugging me from the side. 

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