Chapter three

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When Emma and I got home we instantly went to our rooms to pack our things. I took my suitcase and opened it on my bed.

Opening my closet I loked at my clothes and thought for a moment what will I need. Since we will be out in the sea for around four days to get to the land and back I took my shorts and tank tops out. Then I picked couple pairs of jeans and hoodies.

In case weather goes cold.....

After putting everything in my suitcase I went to the bathroom to take my last things and after an hour or so I was ready.


Monday came flying and me with Emma were sitting in the taxi, going to the docks. We both were excited and nervous. But I was determined. I will go out there and see the unknown land for myself.

After arriving at the docks we were welcomed by the captain of the research group. He was a man in his fourties and had a grumpy face.

'Ary Night and Emma Snow?' He asked and we both greeted him. He looked at us and frowned. He was clearly not in the good mood.

'I understand that you Emma will help my people with the injuries but what Ari are you good at? How will you help us in this mission?' He said and looked at me clearly not mused by two girls in front of him.

I was taken aback by his angry question. I glanced at Emma who had the same reaction as me.

'On board I will make sure your people don't go to each other's throat while on the land I will document all new plants we will find and try to find their properties as soon as possible' I said and the man huffed.

'And how will you handle my men?' He asked me serious.

'With the pan in my hands and my leg high enough to hit where sun never shines' I replied with the same seriousness. A smile broke on his face.

'Eric McDell, welcome' he said and I shook his hand 'one is late' he said and looked around.

'Who is missing?' Emma asked.

'Mark Saren' he said and this time I frowned. Mark is coming too?

'Talk about the Devil' I said seeing a young man running towards us. Huffing he came to us and smiled.

'Sorry for being late' he said while I with Emma stood with our eyes wide.

'What are you doing here?' Emma asked and I nod in approval. I wanted to know it too.

'The boy is helping us with the labour work' Eric said ' Everyone on board!' He shouted and men that stood scatered around the ship strated to climb onto the ship.

The ship itself was a middle size, for 10 or 15 people and was painted all white. Like most of them.

When everybody were on the ship I heard the engine roar and the ship slowly started moving towards the sea. I watched as our town slowly grew smaller, the main land becoming a simple dark line and then disappearing leaving us surounded by blue waters.

Noticing that I was left alone on the main deck I looked around for Emma. Just when I was about to leave my standing spot I saw her coming back.

'Done staring? Let's go I'll show you our room' she said smirking and went back towards the door that led down to the ship's lower decks.

After long walk through different halls and my suitcase pulling we finally stood in front of our cabin's door.

'We made it' I said out of breath. Our room was at the lowest and furthest part of the ship and had a long way to the main deck.

Emma just chuckled and opened the door. The cabin was quite small with bunk beds, one closet and a table for two with chairs. We had one small oval window that we will probably not going to open it since we were that close to the freezing water.

The walls were made out of steel like the rest of the ship but all walls and floor were covered in dark wood paneling. And we had a red carpet that covered almost all of the cabin's floor.

'Dibs on the upper bed!' I screamed and quickly climbed the lader. I laid down and peaked at Emma only showing my head with huge smirk while she stood there frowning.

'You are such a kid' she said shaking her head and went to her suitcase. I only giggled earning another sigh from her and laid down looking at the ceiling. Emma always was the serious one while I was shy kid.

Laying on my bed I still couldn't believe I will see the forbiden land with my very own eyes.

'This will be the best trip ever' I said and heard Emma agree.

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