Bonus 1

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*Tribe language*
*Wolve's talk*

The moment I woke up, I already knew that Zared was not by my side. The man was workaholic to the core. Not only does he looks after the village and Plains tribe, but he helps me with home chores and taking care of our son Kaj.

I sat up and looked around. The tent was the same as before except with one room added behind the fireplace. It belonged to Kaj who was turning 6 winters soon.

I quickly dressed up and began making breakfast.

'Good morning, mommy' I heard cute sleepy voice behind me and I looked at Kaj. He sat on the fur pillow and looked at me, his eyes turning into wolf's yellow eyes full with hunger. He looked like Zared and only had my eyes. Now I had two Zareds at my side.

'Good morning, dear, you came just in time' I smiled and gave him a portion of beef stew. He instantly began devouring it which made me chuckle.

I was about to grab my own bowl when Zared flew into our tent. His eyes quickly found mine and I instantly knew something was wrong.

'I don't think you came here flying just for my food, right?' I joked, but he frowned and grabbed my arm.

'Kaj, stay here until we come back' Zared growled and pulled me out of the tent. Poor Kaj was able to just look at us confused before we disappeared.

Zared dragged me down the dirt road towards the village's center and I noticed that his body was stiff.

'What's going on?' I asked nervously as we passed some tents and turned into another part of the forest.

It lead towards the torture room.

'We found a man from the other side. He says you two know each other' he more growled than said.

'The other side?' I was shocked. Why would spirits let another human here? I mean, I was brought here for Zared, sure, but after us there were no other people from across the sea.

We came to the entrance of the room and were met by Ross and Deon. They both were not happy.

'Both of you here, good. The man keeps shouting in his weird language and it's annoying' Ross said and walked down the steps into dark room. We all followed.

Cold air hit my face and I sighed. It felt really good.

As we decended down the stairs, we could hear the heartbeat of the human and before we walked into the room, the scent hit my nose and I felt my body stiff a bit. The cologne was very familiar.

Ross, Deon and Zared walked in and I followed suite. When my eyes landed on the man ,who was tied to a chair, I stopped in my spot.

It was Ethan.

My sharp intake of air cought the trio attention because they all turned to me. Ethan included.

'You know him' Ross said coldly and I kept my eyes away from their gazes. I didn't say anything as the memory of my kiss with Ethan played in my head. It was so long ago and just a simple kiss, but it felt as if I cheated on Zared with 10 men or something.

'Ary' Ethan whispered and I looked at him. He has grown up quite a bit, but still had the features of Ethan from around 7 years ago.

The memory of the kiss came back and I growled. The sound resonated through the room and I watched as Ethan's face turned from shocked into fearful.

My face turned stone cold and I walked to him.

'What are you doing here?' I had to contain the growl, but with my broken English I managed to ask him normaly.

'I came to rescue you!' He said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

'Rescue me? From who? Ethan, I am dead on the other side and I have been living here for the past 7 years, do you really think you can "rescue" me? This is my home' I explained hoping he would undestand and disappear, but his face turned into discused one.

'With them? They live in tents, wear fur. They don't have electricity or running water. Ary, these people are uncivilized cavemen! You belong with us! With me!' He shouted and I felt his words hitting my bad spot.

'He's done it' my wolf growled and before I knew it, my fist collided with Ethan's face. His face flew to his right and a growl left my lips. I grabbed his face and forcefully pulled it back so that he was looking right into my eyes.

'These people are ten times better than you will ever be. Don't you dare call my family cavemen, we are not. And I do not belong with you, I belong to my husband!' I growled and let his face go, giving him a sting eye.

'Husband? You married one of them?!' He shouted astounded and I rose my eyebrows.

'Yes I did, because I love him. Ethan, I have been here for 7 fucking years, you don't expect me not to fall for the man who is a badass, wild in bed and dead gorgeous' I rolled my eyes when he gritted his teeth on bed part. Well it was true. After every passionate night we have, I have to fix the furs because he rips them up. Don't ask how.

'Ethan, I'm not going back with you, I belong here' I said and turned to the man of my dreams who was killing Ethan with his eyes while his buddies watched me with serious expresions.

'What about us? The kiss we share before you were kidnapped by them?' He asked bravely, but I only gave him a glance.

'There was never us, only wild hormones and unanswered feelings' I said and walked to my mate. Zared instantly pulled me into his chest and kissed me leaving me breathless. I knew he was showing Ethan that I belonged to him and I loved it.

'What did he say?' Ross asked and I sighed.

'He came here to take me back' I said and was pulled even more into Zared. I turned my head to Ross so that I could speak and hugged Zared at the same time.

'Who is he to you?' Deon asked and I knew I would have to tell the truth to Zared when we get back home.

'Friend....' I said and felt Zared's grip twitch a bit.

'What should we do with him?' Deon asked and I glanced at Ethan. He was throwing daggers at Zared.

'Get him back to another side' I mumbled, but knew that they heard me.

'But how we do that?' Ross asked, but I already knew the answer. It seemed that Zared knew it as well.

'Time to talk to my father' he said and I smiled. Maybe now they will be able to clear some things out.

The start of a small gift for you guys as a thank you for your reads 😀

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