Chapter 13

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When I opened my eyes, I was met with the same dark grey fur. I sat up and saw that I was alone again.

I hope he gets stuck in a toilet....

Standing up I remembered the "ceremony" and the guy that I accidentally hit where the sun never shines. My eyes went wide.

I forgot to apologize!!..

I quickly half runned to the entrance only to hit something hard.

A door?..

I looked up and my eyes met black ones. I took a step away and the one and only walked in. His eyes were on me and it seemed that he wasn't happy.

'Where are you going?' He asked blocking my only exit.

'Bussiness that doesn't involve you, sir' I said my voice as flat as possible. I still didn't know his name. A low growl left his throat and I flinched back. I felt fear coming up to my chest.

'Where are you going?' He asked and took a step towards me. I repeated his motion towards my back.

'W-why do you care?' I asked my voice breaking a bit. Amusement appeared in his eyes.

'What's the matter?' He asked with a small smirk on his face and took another step. Once again, cat and mouse game.

'Nothing' I said and looked away from him. I felt once again, that the room was too small for both of us.

I need to get away from him....

The pull brought me back and I felt myself slamming into a brick wall. I let out a groan and pushed myself away only to yelp. I tried to get away from him but he locked me with his steel grip. I was sitting in his lap, straddling him while he held me in place by my waist.

My eyes went even wider and I pulled my hands away from his chest. I swear, every girl would drool over his body and I had a hard time not doing that too. The only thing that held my head clear was my whole situation.

He pulled me closer and burried his face into my neck. He inhaled while I held my breath.

'You smell nice' he murmered and my eyebrows shot up.

'Uuhhh... thanks?' I said slowly, unsure if that was a compliment or just a random remark. I felt him smile and place a kiss on the spot where he bit me twice. I sucked the air in and froze.

'What's your name?' He asked, totally ignoring my stiffness.

'A-ary' my voice broke again when shivers ran down my spine. I think he bewitched my body or something.

'Well, Ary, it's nice to finally find you. My name is Zared.' He said and brushes the spot with his sharp teeth.

'C-can we leave my n-neck alone?' I asked with my eyes closed. Tingles were running through my body and I didn't like that I enjoyed his touch.

A dark chuckle left his lip and he moved his head only to attack my chest. I gasped and my nails dug into his shoulders.

When did I placed my arms on his shoulders?...

'A-and that place' I said.

He stopped kissing me everywhere. I opened my eyes and saw him staring.

'What?' I asked. His eyes had a glint that I didn't like. He cupped my face and pulled me into a kiss. I let out a "mmhmm" sound out of surprise. He was rough and demanding. I felt his grip tighten so that our bodies were glued.

Suddenly, I felt his hand travel down to my butt that caused me to gasp. He used this opportunity and slidered his tongue into my mouth.

I shuderd. I have never done something like that, so I just let him guide me. My hands traveled to his black silky hair and I pressed myself closer to him. My mind was clouded and I didn't understand what I was doing. I just wanted more.

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