Chapter 32

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I woke up after the best sleep ever. I don't know why it was the best, but hey I'm not complaining.

Opening my sleepy eyes I was met by a chest. A nice one at that. Confused I looked around and saw that I was back at Zared's place with him in bed.

I tried to move away from him but his arms around me were as tight as my buttcheeks. Letting out a small growl I relaxed. Why was I here again?

With that question in mind memories of last night came flooding like a river finally breaking a dam. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and redier by seconds and I inhaled sharply.

My movements finally woke Zared up and he looked at me with glint on satisfaction in his eyes. I grabed the fur that was covering us and slowly rose it over my head hiding from embarassment.

I did all those things to him and... and....

I let out a muffled sound and heard a chuckle from behind the fur. A ray of light came into my hideout and I saw Zared peaking in. His black eye looked at me with the same glint and I quickly ripped the fur from his hand, blocking his view of me.

I don't think I was ready to face him. Not after that.

'Not happy of becoming real woman, Ary?' Zared's taunting voice, deep as usual, rang in my ears.

Becoming a real woman? I am a woman!!!

I let out not happy sound as a response.

'Or are you too innocent to admit of pleasing the man?' His voice was full with amusement. He was making me even more emabarrassed. And on purpose.

Suddenly, my safe haven was ripped off of me. Zared turned me causing me to yelp and in seconds was on top of me. He pinned my hands by my head and I saw a smirk on his face.

'I never tought you were this adventurous in bed' he said and my cheeks went on fire.

'Sh-shut up' I managed to say and looked away. He was killing me.

In the corner of my eyes I saw him move and my neck went on fire as well when I felt him placing a tender kiss on my mark. I inhaled and closed my eyes, enjoying little sparks of pleasure.

'The waiting game was really hard' he said kissing my colar bone. Oh dear, not again....

'Was it worth it?' I asked out of the blue causing him to pull back. We looked each other in the eyes and I saw something bad in them. Couldn't pin point but my wolf was on edge.

'You were dead, Ary' he said with such anger that I would have flinched back if I could. I looked at him with my eyes wide, letting him pour his feelings out.

'That son of the rogue tried to take you away from. He broke our bond and sent your soul to my father' he said his voice lacing with hurt. I felt guilt wash over me. If I wasn't so stupid, I would have avoided the kidnapping.

'But you are here' Zared said cupping my face tracing my cheek with his thumb.

'Did you use black magic?' I asked trying to lighten the mood a bit and it worked, a small smile came back to his face.

'Yes, I am big bad wolf with black magic seeping through me so it was not hard to get you back with my magical blood' he smirked and I let out a chuckle.

'Thank you for saving my ass, my lord' I said and he leaned in to kiss me. As much as I wanted to enjoy my day with him in our bed, I had some questions to ask.

I gently pushed him away and he let my lips go with unhappy growl.

'Bussines first, games later. How everything has ended?' I asked with serious voice. I wanted to know what he did while I was floating away.

'The wolf shit is dead' at those words my eyebrows shot up, but I stayed quiet 'we won the war even though they knew about silver. We ambushed them when they were still not ready to fight us and killed the ones who were against us. We will be discussing about their land and payment for our loss today' he explained and I hummed.

'Will you take their land and force them into slavery?' I asked and he sighed.

'Where do you come up with these ideas, woman. No, not slavery, but if they refuse to pay us for our lost warriors, then we will take their land'.

Suddenly, I had an idea.

'What if you make them into a province?' I asked.

'A what?' Zared frowned and I giggled.

'Look at you all stupid' I mocked him and he growled.

'I'll see you scream tonight for calling me that' he said and I wiggled my eyebrows playfuly in response.

'Okay. I don't know if it really is called a province, but the idea is to sent someone to rule that territory. This part of the tribe, as a main village, will recieve a certain number of goods from the other tribe. So in general, the losing side will pay for the losses in smaller amounts, but constantly and this side will rule over them. They will have their own warriors and healers and their life will be the same except for the head of the tribe. While the head will look over the safety and productivity, he won't be able to do drastic moves whitout your and other two orders. Just please sent someone trustworthy because I don't want to hear how lose warriors rape women and other shit. That's if you chose to do as I suggested' I ended my rant.

Zared stayed quiet for a moment, thinking.

'Why not just combine our lands?' He finally asked.

'You can do that, but forcing yourself onto them will spark even more hatred than it already is. My way at least they will have their life unchanged. They will mate and do other things between them and we will do those things between us. Maybe we could make a festival or something for both tribes getting together once a year. Okay, I'm going ahead of me' I stopped myself.

'I will talk about it with Ross and Deon. After we eat breakfast of course because I'm starving whitout your food' He said and finally climbed off of me. I followed him laughing.

'Addiction is real huh' I taunted him playfully.

'You don't even know' he replied and I moved my butt off the bed.

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