Chapter Eight

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The next morning was probably one of the scariest day that I lived through.

I woke up, like always, streched my arms up, cleaned myself and went to start the fire for our breakfast when I froze.

The grounds that we covered, avoiding grass and mud as much as possible in order to leave as less tracks as possible was proven pointless. Footsteps. The same footsteps were around our camp except this time it was a lot closer. Folowing them I could see in my mind how four men walked out of the grass, slowly aproaching our sleeping bodies, sneaking right before us.

They could have raped us or worse.... killed us.

The panic seeped throught me and I ran to Emma. My mind refused to accept the fact that those people are faster than us and are able to track us down.

Emma finally woke up to my shaking, confused and sleepy.

'What is it?' She asked annoyance clear in her voice.

'We need to leave. They were here' I said and stood up. The feeling was back and this time I decided to listen to it. We were definitely not alone right now, right here.

Emma quickly stood up and I just walked with high pace to where my eyes led. We needed to loose them.

Any of us talked during our hiking. My eyes would snap to any sound forest made and my panic rose only making it worse. I was so concentrated to my speed that I didn't see how exhausted Emma was until she stopped me by grabbing my arm.

'Ary, can we stop for a break? We haven't eaten anything yet' she said and took two our left potatoes. Seeing those my stomach growled and I smiled.

'Sorry, can you make fire? I'm bad at that' I said and she just nod. I took the potatoes and looked at them. This will only push us for a few hours. Sighing I found flat sharp rock, that these lands had a lot, and started peeling them off. I tried my best to save as much as I could.

The fire was ablaze soon enough and we stabbed our roughly cut pieces on our sticks. Cooking it untill they became crispy, we devoured our so called breakfast.

I noticed that we both lost a lot of weight and I would get tired sooner than I would living in the city. My body was lacking vitamins and fat to produce any energy. My eyes and cheeks were fallen in and my once long, silky hair now was dirty, tangled and dry.

This place was slowly killing us on it's own.

Shooing negative thoughts away I stood up and looked at Emma. She was finishing her food so I started killing the fire and covering our tracks. I learned a lot from my studies how criminals would cover their tracks and now I was using their metods.

We were soon on the road again and we were covering a lot of grounds until I noticed that the river disappeared. I could clearly hear it so I pressed on. But not walking even 10 meters the forest sharply ended leaving before us a small grass field that ended a little further. We walked through that grass field and amazing scenery unfolded before us.

We were standing on the edge of a massive canyon. Throught it snaked the river that we were following, dividing the landscape in two. Our side was covered in dark forest while the other had a grass fields all over the top. Rocky edges were covered in vines and some lonely trees were barely hanging covering the river below with their long branches. The river's curent itself was a lot stronger and the river was quite deep with rocks peaking out through the water. In the distance I saw a flock of birds flying through the sky towards the forest we just came from. Seeing them I remembered that we saw no animals while hiking which was strange.

'Woow... this place is awesome' Emma awed standing next to me. Yes, this place was the most natural and human untouched place I have ever seem in my life.

'And look at those mountains over there' added pointing to my left. Turning my head there I saw hundreds of mountains far away, some even had a snow tops.

'Yeah, but it doesn't help us in our hiking. And how are we supposed to get down there to get water? And if you don't know how to fish, we are doomed here' I said bringing us into reality.

'Should we head back?' Emma asked and I shudered remebering those footsteps.

'No, let's walk by the cliff, maybe we will see a good place to camp with easy access to water and food' I said and Emma nod in agreement. I knew either of us believed in what I said but it was better to say pointless stuff than surrender.

But just when I took a step I felt my feet move a bit. Suddenly the ground collapsed and I fell down grabbing the edge with my hand just in time. A small scream left my lips getting Emma's attention.

'Ary!' She shouted and her head popped before me. She grabbed my hand with her both hands and tried to pull me up but was unable to. I felt panic rise up as my body was hanging above nothingness making my palms sweat and Emma's grip slip.

'Let go' I choked out as I felt tear flow down my cheeks. Emma was crying with me. I knew she was too weak to get me up.

'N-no... You won't die' She staggered a bit. Her face was red from my weight as she tried to pull me back.

'Emma, you will fa..' But I couldn't finish when I saw Emma coming closer to me. Our eyes were wide when the ground collapsed again throwning us screaming down into the canyon.

I felt an inpact in my spine and a huge pain went through my body punching all my oxygen out of my lungs, freezing water devouring me at the same time. The current washed my body in full speed making me lose my cordination. I could feel my lungs burn with need of air when I felt another hit. This time it was to my head. I felt blood in my mouth when I lost my consciousness and I drifted into a freezing blackness.

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