Chapter 14

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My baby is back!!!! Now I can write some chapters for you!! My tablet was fixed a lot quicker than I thought, but hey, it's better for all of us!!

So here is a "long waited" chapter 😆

I followed Felia back to the center of the village and we turned southeast. Just where the white arrow pointed to.

When we reached a hill I noticed that it was probably the same size as to where Zared's tent was. Well, long story short, we made our way to the white tent - the same size as Zared's.

The inside looked a lot like where I woke up. It was divided into three areas as well and had their items placed in their places. The only big difference was tent's colour, which was a lot lighter.

'Please, sit down' the woman said and I gladly took one of the mini fur pillows.

'Do you need a hand?' I asked politely.

'No, no. It will be done in a minute' Felia said and I just watched her.

She took a small pot and placed it next to the fire. When the water started to bubble, she threw some herbs and let then sink. After a minute she poured the mixture into two cups and gave one to me. By the smell it was mint tea.

'I'm so happy to see a face from another side' Felia said when she sat down in front of me.

'Uhhh... other side? I don't think I was dead' I frowned and got a laugh back.

'I'm talking about another side of the ocean, not the spirit world' she smiled and I let an "oh".

'Well, it's not like you can just get here. I lost whole bunch of people in a storm and somehow survived with my friends' I said and sipped the tea. It was really good.

'That's because the dead wanted you three here' she said and I rose an eyebrow. She giggled.

She acts like a small child...

'Well, let's start with a little history' she said and began the lession' When our people first came here, they settled down pretty quickly and had a peaceful life untill other people, from across the ocean, came and started to kill us. They were greedy for fertile lands and our treasures. But when they found out about our inner wolfs, they tried to force us back with them to get us reasearched. So all our people got together and they came with an idea of how to protect the land and it's people. Every single soul who died while being in good health and whitout any disabilities would go and fight intruders. That's how the barrier was created. No one can come or leave this place' she explained while I just sat there with my eyes wide.

'Wait, wait, no one can leave?' I asked with worry.

'Yes, everyone will be taken by a storm that the dead creates' she said and I frowned.

'Then how in a world am I supposed to get back home?' I asked. Felia's face dropped to serious one.

'You will not leave this place. You have a mate now and you will continue his family while living with him' she said.

'Uhh... yeah you misunderstood. You see, no one asked if I wanted to participate in that ceremony. I didn't asked for some dude to bite a chunk of my neck out. I'm grateful for these people for saving my life, but I can't just throw my whole life because of your traditions' I said. Felia just sigh.

'Even if Zared would let you go, you still wouldn't be able to pass the spirits. And knowing Zared, he will definitely hold you here' she said calmly and sipped her tea.

'What do you mean?' I was curious to know more about the man who raped my neck.

'Ary, Zared is the general of this pack. He was trained and raised to deal with situations by violence' she said and I froze.

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