Chapter 27

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Since Zared was helping to restore the village I decided to help too. In whatever way I could considering that I was quite stupid compared to other women in this place. I mean, I can't make clothes from fur and I don't know how to make leather either.

I should really consider those private lessions.....

Learning from elders or my age women who lived here intire life would be a good thing.

I finally came to first row of tents that were being rebuild. By the way men were working it seemed that they didn't need help from someone like me. To be honest, I had noodles for arms. When I was young I loved sport but only that required legs and stamina.

I moved along untill I came to the part where tents were half fine, like holes in furs or boxes with herbs and clothes shatered and thrown in all directions. This part of village was deserted for whatever reason.

Probably helping others.....

I walked through rows of tents to the very end where forest began when I saw an old lady, walking slowly with a lot of wood on her shoulders. I quickly sped up to her.

'Ma'm, you shouldn't carry so much at once, let me help you' I said taking the wood off her back. She rose her head surprised by me popping out of nowhere and then smiled.

'You are the Gamma's mate' she said and I sigh.

'Am I really that popular?' I asked dramatically and the woman chuckled.

'Every unmated lady is jealous of you' she said and walked into a tent without part of the right side. I followed her.

The tent was smaller than ours with only one fur for bed and a kitchen. In the middle was a ring of stones for fire with two pillows. Unlike ours this tent was cramed.

'Where do I put all this wood?' I asked the lady who was searching for something.

'Over there will be fine' she pointed towards the spot behind the cusions. I carefully placed the pile and turned to the woman.

'Do you need any more help?' I asked. Being old and alone must be really hard. With old body everything she does takes a lot of time and probably hurts aswell.

The woman turned to me with four empty baskets and smiled to me again.

'My herbs burned during the raid, if you have time I would be thankful for your help' she said and I took the baskets.

'No problem, lead the way' I smiled back and we left the tent.

'Who are you ma'm?' I asked when we walked into the forest. Hearing the way I adressed her she chuckled again

'You adress me so politely. My name is Sarah and I'm the oldest person in the village' she replied and hearing her answer my eyes went wide.

'The oldest? Then why are you living alone and so far away?' I asked just as we came into a clearing. She showed me what herbs we need and we started plucking them.

'I live alone because my husband died before me and I didn't want to move away from the house where I spend my intire time with him. He died 16 seasons ago and our children come to visit me from time to time' she said and turned to me. Her eyes had a mischievious glint.

'Speaking about children, when will the Gamma see his own kids?' She asked and I felt my cheeks burn.

'That is off to him.' I said and took the second basket.

'Is there something wrong between you two?' She asked and I became aware of my and Zared relationship.

Well, she is the oldest person so she automaticly the wisest.....

'It's.... his anger. I want him to gain control over it before I go shoting babies out of me' I replied and Sarah humed.

'And how will you do it?' She finally asked after a long pause.

'If he will use force in situations that can be resolved then I will punish him. His anger makes him use fists instead head and I'm afraid a lot of people are getting hurt because of that. Too many...' I explained and Mira's face appeared in my mind with her body unaturaly twisted. Even though she attacked first I still feel sorry for her.

'He killed someon before you, didn't he?' She asked and sighed when I nod. 'You are right, anger can be dangerous to a child and the mother. I wish you luck and be careful. You never know when his anger can turn towards you' she said and stood up.

All the way back the walked in silence. When we came back, we saw two men fixing Sarah's tent. Seeing us they ran to us and hugged the old woman.

'I'm glad you are alright, mother' one of them said and the other nod in agreement.

'I'm more than alright. Another raid won't kill the woman like me' she joked bringing smiles to our faces. Only then two brothers noticed me. Noticed as in 'holy crap it's the Gamma's mate' way.

'Thank you for helping our mother' they said and I waved it off.

'It was no problem' I said and Sarah's head popped out of the entrance.

'Ary, do you want to have dinner with us?' She asked and my blood went cold.

'Dinner.....' I whispered frozen and all of them looked at me. My eyes shot to the sun that was already half gone behind the mountains.

'Is something wrong?' One of the brothers asked and I turned to him with my eyes wide like dears.

'I forgot to make dinner to Zared' I said digging my hands into my hair.

'You better hurry then' Sarah said with a smirk as if she knew what was waiting for me.

'Thank you for the offer but I'll come by again later' I said and sped off to my tent.

I completely forgot that the battle was during the day plus we collected herbs for a few hours.

By the time I ran through the fur entrance, the sun was already gone and it was quite dark outside. I was out of breath and had to hold by my knees to get it back.

I rose up and saw Zared munching on cooked boar leg. He was looking at me and I at him.


'Sorry, I'm late' I said feeling like a kid. He threw the bone that was clean from meat into a "trashbag" and wiped his mouth while eyeing me when I moved to the kitchen area.

'Where were you?' He asked and I turned him my back taking a chicken and spices in the process.

'I helped Sarah with herbs' I said and stiffened when I felt him taking a strand of my hair.

'That doesn't mean you can't come home in time' he said playing with the strand.

'I'm starting to feel like a slave and not a mate' I murmured under my nose but he heard me. He pulled the strand enough to lift my hair and I felt his lips on my mark. Shivers ran down my spine while I tried to focus on my meal.

'Someone is not happy with the curfew' he whispered and nimbed my mark producing small shockwave of pleasure. I clenched my jaw to contain a sigh or worse.

'Someone really likes my mark' I replied. He snaked his arm around my torso and pulled me closer to him.

'I do like it. A reminder that you belong to me' he said and trailed his kisses down my shoulder.

'Za-zared do you really like to s-see me sarve?' I shudered and chuckled when my stomach growled. He bit my earlobe causing me to clench raw chicken breast.

'Soon you will be mine' he whispered and pulled away. I turned around and saw a smirk on his face.

'Why do you think so?' I asked surprised by his boldness. His smirk only widened.

'The full moon is near'

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