Chapter 16

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Thanks wattpad for a bug, now I can't see my story reads. Uhh... 😧

My basket was full with strawberries and I had found a perfect branch for a broom, but I didn't want to go back. I knew Zared is waiting for me, but after what happened I was deffinitely not ready to face him.

I picked my basket, branch and mini branches that I will use for broom's lower part and began walking my way back.

What am I supposed to do now?


But I can't leave Emma and Mark in here.

But their mates are not murders. Atleast not Emma's.

I thought Zared was normal too. Looks can be deceiving.

But if you stay, he might kill you too.

But according to Felia, mates are important.

But even she wasn't sure if you will stay unharmed.

I don't want to be hurt....

I don't want to die....

I need to run....

I made the decision at the end. My inner thoughts won. I have to get the fuck out of here. With that thought in mind I walked into the tent. My eyes instantly went to Zared who was sitting on the bed. His eyes were on me and I felt my body stiff.

I knew he saw it so I turned him my back and went to the fireplace. I went through the ingredients and picked the one's who were needed for my cooking.

Suddenly a shadow shrouded me and my arm froze mid air.

'Turn around' he said and I followed the order. I could feel my stomach roll with fear.

I turned around and saw Zared standing with small bowl in his hand.

'What is that?' I asked quietly when he dipped two fingers into white mixture.

'Medicine for your face' he said and ran his fingers with the medicine across my jaw. It smelled really nice.

'Meadowsweet helps to reduce swelling' he explained and continued to paint the mixture all over my face. I had to hold my nerves with everything I got to stay put and not run away from him. Every time his fingers touched my skin, Mira appeared in my head. Just an hour ago he killed her with the same hands that now so gently touched my cheek.

Don't be fooled. My thought said and I clenched my teeths. Instead of thinking how nicely he is touching me right now, I should focus on my escape plan.

He talked about some plainers. Maybe they could help me hide from him.

But would they help a person marked by such a brute?

'How do you feel?' Zared asked bringing me back from my thoughts.

'Fine, thanks for the medicine' I said and turned around to continue my cooking, but he roughly turned me around. He looked at me with his black eyes and I could feel myself shrink under his gaze.

'You are scared of me' he deadpaned and I averted my eyes.

'Next time take your blood thirst where no one can see. Especially me.' I said and wiggled my arm from his grip. I sat on the ground and began creating fire.

'You should start getting use to it' he said and my jaw dropped.

He did not just....

'I won't. I'm not loosing my sanity and values just because I have to live in completely different environment' I said with my head half turned. I didn't know where the courage came, but I instantly regreted opening my mouth.

I felt his hand gripping my jaw from behind and my head turned a bit to my right.

'Don't make me angry, Ary. You will live like us, act like us and think like us, because otherwise you might get into Mira's place. You don't want that to happen, do you?' He whispered, his cold voice sending shivers down my spine. My body started to shake and my breathing hitched.

I'm terrified of him..

'I see you understand' he said and kissed my cheek, then left.

I sat there for a moment calming my nerves. The fire was raging and I began cooking beef with my still shaky hands.

I made our lunch in an hour or so. For Zared I half cooked a chunk of beef with baked potatoes and salad while for me I cooked chicken breast with tons of salad, tomatoes and pickles. For drinks I made strawberry tea.

Just when I placed our meals in plates, Zared walked in with his chest bare. I could see sweat shining on his body.

He inhaled and turned to me.

'Food is ready' I said and he walked to me, but before he could reach me with plates, I held my hand before him.

'Go wash yourself before the meal' I said. He rose an eyebrow to me and I did the same.

'My kitchen, my rules' I said with poker face. A smirk appeared on his face and he left the tent shaking his head with clean furs in his hand.

Well, atleast he listened to me on this matter....

After a couple minutes Zared came back, with his hair wet. He sat on mini fur pillow and I brough our food. We ate in silence, sitting next to each other.

He finished his food in super speed and sighed.

'I would like to have more next time' he said and I glanced at him.

'You'll get fat' I replied and ate my tomatoe slice.

'Don't worry, I won't lose my six pack' he said and smirked. I could feel my cheeks burn.

I hate you cheeks....

I finished my meal and cleaned the plates.

'Tomorrow your friend will show his strengh to us' Zared said sipping his tea.

'Mark?' I asked worried.

'Yes, he will fight one of my warriors' he said.

'But the fight won't be even. He is weaker than werewolf' I said and got puzzled look.


'Humans with inner wolfs' I explained and he nod.

'He will not die. Probably' he added and my face palled.


'We will see tomorrow' he said and stood up 'I'll see how is, this Mark, doing' he said and gave me the cup.

'Thank's for the meal. Your cooking is not bad' he said and kissed my cheek.

'Pfff better than yours I'm sure' I said sarcasticly and got a laugh back.

'Agreed' he chuckled and left me again.

Why can't you be like that at all time?

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