Bonus 3

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I woke up from the pain in my neck, head and butt. Opening my eyes I saw that I was somewhere by the beach and tied to a tree. I was actually surprised by Ethan's stupidity. Does he really think Zared won't come searching for me? That he doesn't know where I am because of the soul link?

Oh, right.... he doesn't know I'm not a human anymore.

I looked around and noticed that the sun was barely over the horizon. I must have been out for a few hours only. I scanned the area around me. Before me was a small camp with four bodies sleeping on beds made out of leaves and grass. Two more guys were walking around, patrolling the grounds.

'How about we get out of these ropes and kill them?' My wolf said with anger and I couldn't hold the growl that came with it. The sound cought one of the guard's attention and he looked at me. His expresion turned from serious to scared and he ran to one of the sleeping figures and shook it.

'Why so aggressive?' I asked her while watching the now awake person listen to the guard and turn to me. It was Ethan. I made sure to make the most terrifying face, that wasn't hard with my wolf's anger, and looked dead into Ethan. A sour smell mixed with cologne came to me and I knew that I scared him.

'I WANT THAT MAN RIPPED INTO PEACES!!!' She screamed and my body instantly reacted to her emotions. I felt my canines turn into long wolf's ones and I knew my eyes changed colour. My body shifted forward causing ropes dig into my wrists, but I didn't care.

I watched as Ethan slowly and cautiously walked to me and stopped a few meters away from me.

'We will fix you, Ary' he said with sadness and that made me confused.

'Fix me? What the fuck do you mean?' I growled and twisted the ropes in order to get free from them, but burning pain went through my body and I let out a small scream of pain. It had silver in it.

'We know that you are..... something other than human and I promise that we will turn you back' he said and I let out a huge growl that woke intire camp. Other three men jumped from their beds and turned to us, all of them with fear in their eyes.

I was furious about everything Ethan said and I looked right into his eyes.

'Do you really think you can "fix" me?! By kidnapping me from my family and my home?! Are you fucking stupid?!' I screamed at him, getting everybody's attention.

'Ary, you have been brainwashed, please calm down' He calmly said, but I didn't buy it. I began struggling, ignoring the pain, and scream back at him at the same time.

'Brainwashed?! You dickhead, it's called falling in love and adapting to your new environment! I will rip your throat if you even try to touch me!' My last words shocked him and he stood there stunned for a few seconds before turning back into his calm mode.

Just then a horn of the ship rang through the air and I froze. No.... They can't just take me away from my family. From Zared. Where is that pup anyway?!

I watched as a metal ship swam across the sea and stopped not far away from us. Ethan shouted a command and everybody began quickly pack up.

When everything was loaded up, the guys made their way to me. There were five of them, not including Ethan.

'Take her bindings off and pin her to the ground and rebind her. Careful, she might fight' he said and I was surounded by buffed men.

The moment my arms were free I was pushed to ground and my hands with legs were tied again. I was thrown over someone's shoulder and the group began walking towards the small boat that would carry us to the main boat. I made sure to struggle, but sedative was still in me making me weak and my head spin.

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