Love and Consequence

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Don't fall in love.

I know what all the fairy tales used to say, and I know what your mothers and grandmothers and best friends will all tell you-- but I'm here to tell you the truth. Love hurts. Even when it's with your best friend, even when you think that butterfly feeling is a good sign, and even when you think you might have a chance--

Don't fall in love.

It's not worth the consequences.

Take it from me, the Skyloft Knight who, instead of doing something productive on her day off, is pouting about the chance she lost. Of course, I'm not as upset that I'm not going to be representing the Goddess in the Goddess Ceremony tomorrow as I am upset that Zelda is going to be filling the role.

Not as upset that she's going to be filling the role as I am upset that my idiot best friend is excited for it.

He didn't even seem that interested in winning and becoming a knight until Zelda made it known that she'd be playing the part after the ceremony.

It made my heart hurt.

So much for being one of Skyloft's bravest knights. I can't even face either one of those two in fear they might try to find out what's wrong.

So I'm hiding away at the top of the waterfall, perched on a ledge with my dear loftwing, lamenting and complaining about the situation I've gotten myself into.

"I don't deserve this, Cytel." I reach up and stroke the neck of my teal companion. He lets out a cooing noise and nudges my hand up, finding the spot on his neck where he prefers to be scratched. "Do you know how overrated love triangles are? Exceedingly so. It's all just tragedy. I can't even call it a love triangle. It's like a third wheel love. They are the bicycle of love, and I am the unwanted side car. I'm the training wheel they couldn't get off. I don't do harm, but I'm not exactly helping anything either."

"I can hear you whining up there, Oriana!" I let out an exaggerated sigh before peering over the edge of the ledge, my loftwing imitating my actions. Karane, a fellow knight, and also a fairly good friend to me, crosses her arms with a smirk. "You can hide from Link, but you can't hide from me! Let's go get lunch!"

I roll over onto my back and pretend to die "Go on without me, I am too weak--"

"Too weak to confess your feelings, yeah. I know you're hiding from him, and that's all fine and dandy, but you can continue AFTER you pay me back for buying you lunch yesterday!"

Damn me for not predicting this unfortunate string of events yesterday.

"Fine," I groan, rolling over the edge. I whip my hookshot from my belt and latch onto the vines I climbed to get up there last minute, stopping myself from making impact with the ground. "Not gonna scream this time?" I raise an eyebrow at Karane.

"I'm so used to you doing stupid shit, that it's not even scary anymore. I expect you to die before you turn eighteen." Karane shakes her head with a laugh and I retract my hookshot.

"Well, that kind of takes the fun out of it. If you're not upset with me, what's the point?" We begin walking towards the marketplace, petting a few remlits as we pass by. I was a sucker for the small lemur kittens, despite knowing that they're little fucking terrors when the sun set.

"Ha ha," Karane lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Don't act like you're not a total adrenaline junkie anyways, I see the stunts you pull on your loftwing. Need I remind you of the race you won to advance into knighthood? You literally leaped off your bird, barrel rolled, grabbed the statue, and waited to whistle until you were nearly out of sight. Eagus was actually going to kill you when you had your feet on the ground again. Zelda's the only reason you weren't severely punished."

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