Your Majesty

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Navi instructed me to go to bed that night. Easy for her to say, like sleep would come easy after a bombshell like that was dropped on me. I mostly tossed, turned, and thought of my two best friends.

They wouldn't succeed in defeating Demise without me.

Or rather, without my sacrifice.

I guess I'd succeed in my goal for once-- manage to finish my life without ever telling either or those two how I really felt.

Maybe they could finally be happy together.

When I pulled myself out of bed, Navi appeared from the window, eager to leave for our journey.

"You must understand, Oria. We need to arrive at the temples before the goddess, or else she will have no temples to purify! The fairies provide the sacred waters that fall into the temples, and we must awaken the fairies from their slumber!" The fairy swayed back and forth in the air, I'm assuming to make a point-- but only wound up annoying me in the process.

"I just want to say goodbye to Link and then we can head out--"

"The chosen hero has already descended to the lands below."

"What?" That jerk! He.. didn't even say goodbye.

"Finally, you see the urgency in our departure! Now if you are ready, I would like to transport you to the fountains!"

I cross my arms, trying hard to hold in a pout. Link left. He just left.

"My queen?" Navi asked, which I heard but for some reason my brain neglected to answer. "LISTEN!"

My head snapped to the young fairy in front of me.

"FINE. I'm ready." Bit more angry than I tried to sound. Whoops.

"Excellent. Let us descend to the surface." And with a few swirls around my body, I felt myself blink out of existence and fall into darkness. But with only another moment, I was on new ground.

This place was strange. It appeared to be a cave. There was no sky in sight, only a large golden door in front of me, and a rather junglesque domain behind me.

"I'm sorry to request this of you, Oria, but those clothes will not do well for awakening your followers. I was the only one left with any memory of your existence, to be your guide when you awakened. For the others to remember you-- You'll need to look like your former self." Navi seemed a bit uneasy at making this request, but I wasn't exactly sure what she was requesting of me.

"Whatever it is you're asking of me-- Sure. If it relates to my fate, then help me achieve it."

I had a strange feeling I was going to regret those words.

"As you wish, my queen."

And again, the small blue fairy danced circles around me, her magic flowing towards me and sinking in to my skin, makes it tingle and shiver. It felt like something inside of my was unraveling, pumping through my veins and seeping out of my pores. This magic was strange.

This magic was mine.

I looked down at my hands, slowly getting covered with intricate chains and jewels. My knight uniform flowed down my legs, fading in color slowly. A gold belt appeared across my waist, then one across the neckline of my gown. I could feel my hair fall from it's tightly woven braid and extend down my back, growing at a rate that was surely impossible.

Without magic.

"You have truly connected with your former self." Navi gave me a small smile.

"This is what Aine looked like-- uh, what I looked like?"

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