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Retrieving the triforce seemed like a breeze for what was prepared to come. Retraveling around all of the surface and contacting old gods to learn songs to unlock doors-- even the silent realm seemed easy. We knew we had to be fast, for Zelda's sake-- and for our own. We had no idea when Demise could fully break free, and we didn't want to find out.

When we arrived at the gate of time again, we knew this was it. It was time for the final showdown.

We were terrified.

Maybe Link was a little more than me.

He wasn't sure he could win, but I knew it in every ounce of my soul.

He turned away from the door to look at me, like he was taking me in for the last time. It may very well be.

"I love you." He whispers. It's everything. It's healing, it's soothing-- it's what I need to move on.

"I love you, too." I take his hand. "Together?"

"Together." He answers, and though there is a slight moment of hesitation, he step through the gates of time without another word shared.

The first thing that we see when we arrive is Impa clinging to life on the ground. I summon fairies in an instant to her side.

"Don't bother with me!" She argues, "Ghirahim has taken Zelda-- He plans to use Zelda's soul to revive Demise. You must go after him!"

And we ran-- like it wasn't even a second thought.

We both knew how precious she was-- how important, how much we loved her.

This wasn't supposed to be the life we lose her.

We push open the temple doors only to be met with a giant glowing barrier. The only way down was the long way, covered in hundreds of monsters. Link looked to me, and we both gave a nod. I summoned back my Fairy wings-- I'd be needing them to keep up.

This was it. The last battle.

I only had one job. Keep Link alive.

And that means dying.

"Don't you do it until I'm ready, Oria. Don't you dare!" Link throws himself towards the nearest monster, his sword tearing through it effortlessly. "I won't lose you! I can do it without losing you, I promise!"

I'll say I find his heroism very inspiring. Very romantic.

I hope for his sake he's right.

"I need you, Fairies." I summon all that I can, lifting myself out of monster's reach and into the sky where I can watch over Link. "Shred the monsters to pieces. Keep the hero alive. Simple enough?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

The scene below was something like a hitchcock film meets pastel hell. Fairies frantically swooping down upon enemies, decapitating and emulsifying with every bit of magic they had. One team stayed dedicated to healing the hero where they could. I flew above, lifting Link where I could to get him out of harm's way.

We both got a glimpse of what was happening down in the pit-- Ghirahim had indeed stolen Zelda from her slumber, and was using some strange magic on her body.

We suddenly moved a hell of a lot faster.

When it all seemed like it was over, and we finally made it to the bottom where Ghirahim resided with Zelda's sleeping body-- he summoned more and more monsters. I was angry.

To Pieces (LoZ - Link)Where stories live. Discover now