The Right Words

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AN: I'm picking this story up after a few months because I feel like I need the writing to keep me stable. I really want to finish this story since I had it all plotted out anyways, so wish me luck!


"Rise and shine, denial queen!"

"God, I hope I'm dreaming," I mumble, refusing to roll over to look at the source of the noise. "Because there is no way that I will not throat punch my idiot best friend for coming into my room without permission-- AGAIN."

"Shouldn't have given me a spare key if you didn't want me to be your wake up call," I feel Karane's body slump over mine with all of her tiny might, and a mixture of a groan and a growl pours out of my throat. "C'mon! I haven't seen you in days! Last I heard you were still recovering. Tell me things! Why were you like... half dead?"

Maybe if I just act like I'm still asleep...

"ORIIIIAAAAA," Karane whines, shaking my whole body by pushing on my side.

"Alright," I groan. "I'll talk, just-- get off me!"

"Success!" Karane pushes off my body with one final shove and takes a seat at the foot of my bed. I take a deep breath and stretch my arms above my head while I sit up. I don't work my ass off all day to get up as early as Karane likes to. She'd regret this... someday.

"This could have waited until I was awake-- by the way." I narrow my eyes at her and Karane raises an eyebrow.

"Excuse me, I waited like a whole extra hour after I got up to come wake you up in case you were still healing. I did you a service and YOU'RE WELCOME."

"I still hate you," I throw the covers off and sit up, pressing my back against the wall and crossing my legs. "But whatever, where do you want me to start?"

"There's more than just you passing out half dead?"

"Way more."

"Oh," Karane's eyes widen a little, I'm sure she's not used to me being so serious. "Well, I guess at the beginning? When did this all start?"

"The day of the Wing Ceremony."

"Oh. So it's about Link." Karane gives a small nod.

"What? N-no, not everything is about Link," I protest, and it's Karane's turn to narrow her eyes. "It's not! I--" I sigh, "It's like maybe one third about Link, okay?"

"So it's one third Link, One third Zelda, and one third you. Congrats, is it finally the threesome you've been dreaming of?"

"I'm revoking story privileges. Get out of my room." I start to lay back down and Karane lets out a laugh.

"Okay, okay! Really, I'm sorry. I'll stop butting in. Go ahead." She makes a motion like she's zipping her lips, and I pause for a moment just to be sure before I decide it's safe to continue.

"Zelda fell from Skyloft,"

Karane's face falls. "what?" She whispers.

"And I couldn't get to her in time. She broke through the clouds." I feel my eyes tear up a little at this. I felt like a failure as a knight. I know it's about fate, and all that nonsense, but... I worked so hard for this. It slipped through my fingers because I couldn't manage to suck up my feelings. I'd never make that mistake again. "I learned later that night that it's because she has a destiny to fulfill as the reincarnation of Goddess Hylia."

Karane let out a small giggle, but the look I shot her made her face fall again.

"You're shitting me," She mumbles. "I-I'm not sure I understand."

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