What fate wrote

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Do you ever think about how sometimes, certain words in a certain order can just... shake you entirely to your core? We've always called it a 'stunned silence', but I think a better description would be 'stinging silence'. It burns your skin, your insides-- you feel your heartbeat in every part of your body; and it's painful. There's a ringing in your ears and it's turning them red, but not in all the good ways-- it's wrong, everything is wrong.

Mostly because it was never supposed to be like this.

And trying to claw your way out of that stinging silence is even harder.

"You two must return to the sealed grounds for now, find the triforce and finish this." Impa places a hand on Link's shoulder, giving him a less stern look than usual. "Or else this sacrifice will have been for naught."

In that moment, I'm not sure who she's referring to-- Zelda, or me. Perhaps both.

"This conversation isn't over." My vision slides over to his, but I wish it hadn't. He looked not only determined, but mad. Link being mad was rare, and hurt more than any silence ever could.

He walks to the gate before me, and only I give a solemn glance back to my best friend enclosed in an amber colored crystal. Could I leave like this?

This was certainly it... the last time I'd ever lay my eyes on her.

Link steps through the gates of time, and the crushing weight of my true heartlessness finally knocks me off my feet. No wonder she could see it in me, I was truly a wreck.

"You will be together in your next life." Impa offers, after moving to my side to help me up. "And she will not die in this one as a result of Demise."

I take as much of a breath as my shaking lungs will allow, "Thank you, but that's not why I turned around. No part of me is hesitant any more. I know what I'm doing is what must be done." Impa releases her grip on me once I seem stable enough, and I look back to the girl enclosed in amber. "I just can't leave things like this." I raise my hand, gathering some magical energy in my palm, just enough to summon whatever fairies remained in this temple.

The smallest fairy I had met by far, pink in hue and with the most beautiful long hair flies over and rests on my palm, a curious look in her wide young eyes.

"Greetings," I offer, and her wings flutter as she gives me a shy smile.

"Greetings, my queen."

"Tell me, young one, can I leave you with a task? It may very well be the most important one I'll ever assign." The small fairy leans forward in anticipation, giving a vigorous nod. "I need to leave you with a message, and I need it to be delivered the very moment that amber seal is broken. No matter how long it has been, or how the world looks when it's done--I need you to watch over that seal, and once it's gone, deliver my message to the girl that waits within."

"With great honor, my queen." She gives a small bow. "What shall this message be?"

"Well," I gather as much magical energy as I can into the area, inscribing my message into the land itself. "Maybe something like this...

I've waited a hundred years, but I'd wait a million more for you. Nothing prepared me for what the privilege of being yours would do. If I had only felt the warmth within your touch, if I had only seen how you smile when you blush--Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough, well I would have known what I was living for all along. What I've been living for..."

In the spark of the moment, more fairies arrived through the window in the temple to hear the song, ensuring it's delivery--someday, whenever that day may be.

"Your love is my turning page, where only the sweetest words remain. Every kiss is a cursive line, every touch is a redefining phrase-- I surrender who I've been for who you are, for nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart. If I had only felt how it feels to be yours, well I would have known what I've been living for all along. What I've been living for. Though we're tethered to the story we must tell, when I saw you, well I knew we'd tell it well. With a whisper we will tame the vicious seas, Like a feather bringing kingdoms to their knees..."

I take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for what I had to do. I know that's not enough, and I know it probably never will be, but this story is coming to a close-- and I think you knew that, too. But there's no epilogue where we can be together, that's not what fate wrote for us. You have so much more life left in you, a full and complete heart that hasn't been torn to pieces. You will be the happy ending-- and that's all I need to know that what I'm doing is right. A life without you isn't one worth living at all."

I stop letting the magic flow through me, my eyes catching Impa's only for a brief moment. I'd almost think she was close to tears had I looked any longer.

"Can you deliver that for me?" I whisper, knowing full well the eager young fairy wouldn't let me down-- wouldn't let the memory of me down.

"Yes, my queen."

"Thank you..." I take one last glance. "It's time for me to be on my way, then."

Time to face the hardest part.

The truth.


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