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When I used to imagine dying, I used to picture standing in a field. The sun high in the sky, no real sense of direction, but every one led to an important memory. I pictured death to be a personal thing, different to every person. I pictured some serendipitous moment of connecting with the people you loved and lost.

Or maybe that's just what the movies taught me.

I know now that I had it all wrong.

Death, for me, is a cliff's edge in skyloft, high above the rest of the town; where a waterfall pours off and flows throughout the town. It's quiet.

There's no memories here, no loved ones waiting-- in fact, there's no one else here at all. No friends, no family, no knights.

Just me and the sound of the waterfall, my original spot to kick back and brood and pretend like I wasn't in an endless cycle of being in love and letting my own heart break.

I didn't feel that way anymore, though. For once, in the longest of times, my perch by waterfall wasn't disturbed by intrusive thoughts or sad scenarios playing out in my mind. It was just serene. It was peaceful.

Maybe that's exactly what dying was supposed to feel like, or maybe it's because I know I don't regret what I did.

Link is alive. Zelda is alive. The outside world will never have to perish under the wrath of Demise. They won't be sitting prematurely in their own little piece of heaven.

The thought brought a smile to my face.

Perhaps one that was also a bit premature.

When she takes a seat beside me, the voice in my head begins pleading, begging for this not to be true. Perhaps she was sat next to me because that's what my heaven was meant to be.

She couldn't be here, not when I'm here.

"I see you're still as stubborn as ever." My head nearly snaps turning over to the blonde who I thought was familiar, but upon closer examination-- I realize she isn't who I thought she was at all.

My brain thought it was Zelda who sat beside me.

Aine's brain to me that it was, in fact, Hylia who sat by my side.

"Greetings, old friend," Her soft pink lips curled upwards into a small smile, and in every feature I can see what parts of her were passed on to Zelda. "I'm assuming I've found you here because you stripped yourself of your immortality as well? Come out, stop hiding behind the poor girl's soul."

"Never one to let me think to much," A sigh comes from beside me, and with a sharp turn of my head, I see that face that has been in my head from the start of it all. "Can't a Great Fairy get some well deserved rest?"

"I think you have far too much explaining to do before that rest comes, my love." Hylia rises from one spot beside me, kneeling down once more when she is in front of the Great Fairy herself, rather than her reincarnation. "Aine, what have you done?"

"I had to protect you both... I couldn't keep watching you die." Aine reaches up and cups Hylia's face in her palm, and part of me recalls my time with Zelda, yet another part of me feels like I'm intruding entirely. "I did exactly what I had to to make sure we didn't miss our chance." Aine looks deep into Hylia's eyes, but lets out a soft sigh. "But if you're here, perhaps I acted far too late."

"Alas, I don't believe that to be true." Hylia grabs her lover's hand, caressing it with her thumb. "Whilst Demise may still have a grip on my soul, I can feel Zelda fighting with her dying breaths. She's holding on. There may be hope yet. My soul may return back to that body." Hylia's smile lights up her face so much that I can feel my own chest tighten in response. "If Demise is defeated truly, then our souls will be sent right back to our reincarnations. We'll be together forever, and fear no longer."

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