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I woke up like I would on any other day-- looking up at the ceiling of my dorm.

It almost convinced me that this whole ordeal had been a dream.

Until I caught a glance of Link, leaning forward on his hands-- very clearly glaring at me.

"Good morning to you, too." I mutter, shutting my eyes. I'd rather see nothing than see his angry face.

"Mind telling me--"

"Yes, I mind."

"WHY exactly Karane found you, presumably dead, over by the waterfall?"

"I was sleeping."

"We weren't able to wake you, and believe me, we tried everything." He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "If it weren't for the pulse, I'd be entirely convinced you weren't ever going to wake up."

"I was really tired." I try to use my arms to push myself up in my bed, only just now recognizing how truly exhausted my body was. I flop back onto my pillow and let out a long sigh. "I'm still really tired."

"And why is that exactly?"

Well, Link, quite honestly, I used up pretty much all my fucking energy ripping my own heart out for you. But, you know, keep giving me that sass. This definitely still feels worth it.

"Fairy magic is brutal. Gotta purify them springs, dude."

"Can you cut it out? You have no place to be giving me attitude, especially when I'm the one who dragged your ass over here and gave you stamina potions."

I guess I didn't recognize how flat my tone had fallen. I was being incredibly sassy, and Link truly wasn't to blame. I suppose I was just annoyed I passed out from the magic-- and got caught.

"Oh," My eyes widen as I search my person, a breath of relief coming to me when I find the small flat stone laying beside me in bed. "Could we, uh, just go get some fresh air? I think I need the sunlight."

Link narrows his eyes, but eventually gives in to my plea, rising from the bed and holding out his hand to help me up.

My body had light aches, but nothing too horrible. I make it out onto the roof top terrace of the school with no issue. I take a deep breath as I step outside, catching a glimpse of the setting sun past the tower to the west.

"Did you ever run into that creepy pale dude?" I ask, keeping my eyes away from the hero to my right.

"Yeah, called himself 'Lord Ghirahim'. What a joke. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a skilled swordsman, but his ego made me want to take him down faster."

"So he's not an issue anymore?" I finally look over at Link, who's focused ahead at the sunset. The orange hues of the light make his ocean eyes glow. The shadows cast under his cheekbones send an ache through my body. I can recognize that as longing. I wanted to touch his face, gently, caress it. Kiss it.

"No, he's still an issue," Link looks at me from the corner of his eye. "He said the next time he saw me he'd make sure it'd be the last."

"Do you think he means that?" I ask, my voice catching nervously in my throat.

His silence makes my body chill and cover itself in goosebumps.

"I think I'm really going to have to prepare before I see him again." Link clears his throat, "By the way, your uh.. fairy kind, they've been a great help. I can't thank you, or them I suppose, enough. I don't think I'd still be standing without you."

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