Purple Flowers

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AN: Hey, this is your warning- go get some tissues. It's not what you think, I promise, but you should still have some tissues cause. I'll be honest, I cried like a baby writing this.


 In a perfect world, the story would've ended after that night.

I know it's not what you want to hear, and trust me-- it isn't what I want either. But I hope you can find solace in the thought that maybe in one of the reincarnations, I got to love him painlessly. Maybe there was a morning where we didn't need to rise out of bed and set out early, where our best friend wasn't in unending danger--

Where I could love him without the consequences.

But that isn't this world, and I think we both know that.

When we did pull ourselves out of bed and separated to go bath, I realized just how weak I had become. I could barely even lift my own body out of the bath. I don't notice when I'm with him, when I'm with the rest of my heart...

But alone? I was dying.

"Navi," I whisper, or maybe, maybe it was more like a choked back sob. The small fairy seems like she can't make eye contact with me. I think she feels guilty... or maybe, sad? But she knows, she definitely knows.

"I will do my best for you." She states, casting her magic over my body. It gives me the strength I need to pull myself out and get dressed. Link is still in the men's bath, so I scrawl out a note and leave it on his bed for when he returns.

"I think there's something else I need to do before we head out. I'll be back shortly."

I think this would hurt me most of all.

It feels odd being in my knight's uniform again. Maybe I spent too long in a dress... maybe it had began to melt itself into my skin.

Or maybe I was never destined to wear this uniform at all. Maybe I knew that now.

But wearing anything else to go see him felt wrong.

My boots lightly hitting the cherrywood boards was a sound I feel I took for granted all these years. It was so early, Skyloft was nearly silent. The faint sounds of loftwings going out for their first flight of the morning, the gentle flaps of their wings, that was the only constant noise on the island. It was beautiful. I never got up this early on purpose. I had been missing this for all these years, never taking the time to appreciate...

Well, I suppose it's all too late, now.

I don't even need to call out to him. Our souls were connected from the day we met, Cytel could always feel when I needed him most. His talons tapped lightly against the boards of the dock, a sound I'd also never taken the time to notice before.

His large blue eyes seem more confused than ever. Cytel never liked seeing me upset, or hurt. That's why he always stayed with me, comforted me, scared everyone else off. He was more than some bird, he was my partner, my guardian. Cytel was often times the only one to make me feel like I wasn't entirely alone.

How was I supposed to say goodbye to him?

His nervous cooing and submissive stare made me loose what strength I had in my knees. Before I could fall, he steps forward, allowing me to use him as a crutch to stand myself back upright.

"I know that a lot of this won't make sense to you," I whisper, patting my bird on the head. "I'll try my best to make you understand, because you deserve the truth." I glance around, maybe the dock wasn't the best place for this. "How about we go to our special place, Cytel? Would you do that for me?"

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