Hero Heartbeat

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I feel like an asshole.

I've been surrounded my whole life by people who tell me that you know you're in love because you can't even dare to look anyone else remotely the same-- and here I am, the douchebag giving up her heart for two people I feel entirely certain that I love with all of my being.

Could I blame the douchebag I was reincarnated from? Perhaps.

It doesn't change all that I feel right now, though.

"I feel like I forget how relaxing it is to ride my loftwing sometimes," Link's voice interrupts my thoughts. His arms reach up as he stretches his body upwards. King lets out an approving squawk from beneath him. I subconsciously reach out and pat Cytel. "You feeling alright, Oria? Just spacing out today?"

A little bit of that, a little bit of dying. You know, the norm. Singing the Goddess' ballad really took it out of me earlier-- literally. It's not pain anymore it's just-- emptiness.

"Yeah, I've never been very good at clearing my head." I respond.

"Yeah, no kidding." Link laughs. "Do you remember the first day we started at the academy, you were on your way to your seat and walked directly into another desk and face planted over it?"

He's referring to the day he got that damn turquoise shirt and wore it for the very first time. Yeah, I was a little distracted by how it hugged tight against his torso and made my heart feel like it was trying to rip it's way out of my chest like a savage remlit.

Protip: You can only stare at someone from the corner of your eye for so long until you trip over a fucking desk.

"We don't need to have a full conversation about my air headed-ness, thanks."

"Aw, but that's what makes you so special!"

I let out a sigh and shake my head.

"Not my fearlessness, not my extensive wisdom and excellent grades in the academy, not even my adrenaline junkie lifestyle-- No, my clumsiness is what stands out. Sick."

"I tell you only out of pure affection, honest." Link chuckles, before leaping from his loftwing down to the island below.

"Sure," I mumble, following in his steps.

The Isle of Songs, according to Fi, was the first place that Link would be able to restore power to his blade. The tower of Farore, one of the three High Goddesses, stood before us.

The Goddess of Courage. Perhaps she could lend me her strength as well.

"Fancy place," Link whispers, nodding towards the tower. It's strange how a place that's been hidden in time for so long still looks so pristine. Despite no visitors, the marble around us still seemed to have a luster like it had just been carved. "Woah, check out the garden." Link steps away from me to aforementioned area, and I feel a small smile tug at my lips as I inspect the scene.

A familiar face, carved into stone, with a familiar smile on her lips. A statue of the great fairy kneels in the center of the garden, her eyes closed in a dreamy state and her hands placed over her heart. Her wings were carved quite intricately, and the statue itself was quite a spectacle to behold.

It's hard to believe I could have ever been her. She looked so at peace.

I never felt like that.

"Your magesty," Navi's voice fills my ears, and I turn my head to see her floating beside me. "I doubt you'd recall this from your past life, but this is a reminder you left for yourself. I suggest reading the plaque in front of your votive."

"A reminder of what?" I raise an eyebrow and Navi floats over to the plaque.

With hesitant steps, I approach the kneeling statue. Link keeps an eye on me as my eyes read over the plaque.

And it hits me all at once.

Just like the very first time a ballad of the Great Fairy fell from my lips, I found myself overcome by her presence. I slowly kneel, my body under her control. My wings spread, and my hands fall over my heart.

"May it be an evening star

Shines down upon you

May it be when darkness falls

Your heart will be true

You walk a lonely road

Oh, how far you are from home

Darkness has come

Believe and you will find your way

Darkness has fallen

A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call

Will fly away

May it be you journey on

To light the day

When the night is overcome

You may rise to find the sun

Darkness has come

Believe and you will find your way

Darkness has fallen

A promise lives within you now."

I find that, though the song stops, The Great Fairy is still moving for me. She rises, the piece of heart cradled gently by her magic. I can see through her eyes, my eyes, as she turns to Link. She takes a gentle step towards him, extending the heart to him. He's stunned, it's evident on his face.

I feel our love for that look. We share that love, The Great Fairy and I.

"Did it hurt?" He asks, not making a move to grab it.

"It shall hurt her no longer, dearest Hero." She steps forward again, pressing the heart against his chest. "That is my promise to her."

"Please protect her," He responds, suddenly aware who exactly it was speaking to him. I can feel her smile on my lips, feel the brush of his cheek as she lifts my hand to give a loving touch to Link. I feel our heart barely register a response.

When she leaves me, I notice why she took over in the first place. Why she made a promise.

We were very nearly out of time, and she was trying to spare me from the realization.

But it's quite easy to notice when your body begins to fail you. When there's not enough heart left to keep your blood pumping through your veins accurately.

I wouldn't make it much longer with less than half a heart. Her attempt to comfort me for what time I had left was to take over my body and deal with the pain herself.


I forget for that brief moment that we're touching, or rather, that I'm touching him.

"Yes," I whisper, pulling myself out of my thoughts and up to his eyes.

"Are you alright?"

His blue eyes fill with concern, and the longer I stare at him, the more my heart swells. He makes it feel almost whole again. That warm feeling, that sensation that soothes and warms my soul -- our contact brings that forward-- I feel nearly normal again.

"I am," I give him a small smile. "As long as you're here... I'll be okay."

The smile that graces his lips has me praising thanks to the high goddesses. His hands reach up to either side of my face and he bends down just the slightest to press a chaste kiss to my forehead.

"I'm glad," His ocean eyes look down to me once more. "Shall we head inside then?"

"Yes," I whisper, a newfound bravery in my heart.

Farore wouldn't need to send me courage after all, I left all I needed as a reminder a long time ago.


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