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**kirstie POV**
It's been a few weeks since the whole Josh incident and things have been good so far. No more harassing me since he's in jail now for the next six months.

I've been staying with Jeremy at his apartment. He's such a nice guy.

It seems like the last few weeks we've been getting a lot closer. Like my feelings for him are becoming stronger the longer I stay with him. Olaf loves him too. Which is funny because Olaf hated Josh.

Dogs can since evil too I guess.

I leave for tour in the morning and Jeremy said he was going to make my favorite dinner for me. He'll also be watching Olaf while I'm on tour this year.

"Hey kit! Sit down dinner is almost done!" Jeremy says as I walk into the kitchen.

"Okay chef Jeremy. What have you made for me tonight?" I ask playfully.

"Well tonight we have some delicious Mac and cheese and for desert we have hot fudge brownies made by yours truly." He says playing along.

We just sit, eat and talk for the remainder of the night. He's so easy to talk to. And he'll let me talk his ears off for hours!

**Jeremy POV**
I was sitting in my office petting Olaf when I decided to go check on Kirstie to see if she needed help packing for the PTX tour.

"Hey do you need help packing?" I ask walking into the guest room.

"Umm not really but you can sit on the bed and hand me my shoes when I ask for them." She says as she twirls around.

She's so pretty. I can't stop looking at her.

After she was done packing she sat down on the bed next to me.

"So are you sure you're okay with watching Olaf for this long?" She asks.

"Yes of course! I love Olaf." I say smiling at him then at her.

"Good. It looks like he loves you too." She laughs at the site of Olaf licking my face uncontrollably.

I look back her smiling and laughing before I lean in to give her a kiss on the lips.

"So I guess that answers my next question." She says smiling.

"And what's that?" I ask smiling back looking into her brown eyes.

"Do you like me as much as I like you?" She says not breaking the gaze between us.

"I think even more than you think." I say laughing.

She then grabs my face and gives me a passionate kiss that felt like it lasted forever.

I break away from the very passionate kiss and say, "So I guess that answers my question."

"And what was that, sir?" She asks playfully.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I say looking back and forth between her eyes and lips.

She just nods and says, "I've been waiting weeks for you to ask me that." She says with a smile.

We connect our lips one last time. Then we just lay there in each other's arms the rest of the night.

Everything is perfect now...or at least I thought.

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