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**Jeremy POV**
"Come on, Josh! Why are you still doing this!?" Mitch cried out.

As I go to approach Josh and sneak my phone Mitch and Kirstie's mom so they can somehow call for help.

"Who's blood is that on you face and hand?" I ask as Scott and I move closer to Josh.

"It's not important now." He says with a evil smile on his face.

When he said that I completely lost it. Scott tried to hold me back but realized he couldn't.

I ran and pushed Josh right into the railing in the hallway.

"Stay here and call for help!" Scott says to Mitch and Kirstie's mom before going to find Kirstie.

As Josh and I keep fighting each other, the railing we were both leaning against gave way and broke. We both fell down to the ground on the main floor.

We both lay there in pain but Josh tried to run and get out of the house.

Mitch looks down at me and I wave to him to signal that I was okay.

I run after Josh before he could leave the house. Luckily Scott got him first and punches him to the ground.

"I'm going to find Kirstie. You can take care of him until help gets here, right?" Scott asks.

"Yeah I think I can handle him." I say and then he was off to the basement to look for Kirstie.

Not long after the cops bust through the front door and start asking questions.

They put the handcuffs on Josh and take him away.

"Do you know where in the house Kirstie could be?" The cop asks Mitch, Kirstie's mom and I.

"No. One of our friends went down to the basement where she was last seen to find her." I say.

After that we head Scott come up the stairs carrying Kirstie bridal style calling for help.

When he ran past us with Kirstie yelling for help, my heart sank.

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