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**Kirstie POV**
I feel like crap. Like I was just hit by a bus! I started to wake up expecting to still be in the basement but I wasn't.

I feel someone's hand in mine. Has I started to open my eyes, I looked over and seen Jeremy, the guys and Esther in the room I was in.

I squeezed his to let him know that I was starting to wake up.

"Kirst?" He says.

"Hey." I say trying to smile through my pain.

"Guys! She up!" He says excited.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You're in the hospital." He says almost crying.

"How did I get here?" I ask.

"Scott found you in the basement unconscious and we thought we were going to lose you." He says.

I couldn't help but cry when Jeremy said that. I have such amazing friends and boyfriend. They all came to Texas just to make sure I was okay and pretty much almost died for me.

"Kirst, it's okay. You're going to be okay." Jeremy says.

"I'm not crying because I'm in the hospital. I'm crying because I just so lucky to have such amazing friends and boyfriend like you guys." I say in between tears.

Jeremy helps me sit up then him and the guys and Esther come in for a group hug.

"You're going to make me cry more guys!" I say kind of laughing.

"We're all just glad you're okay." Esther says.

"Did any of you get hurt by Josh?" I ask.

"I tackled him and we fell from the hallway railing upstairs." Jeremy says.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay!?" I ask worried.

"Yes just a little sore." He says.

"What about the rest of you?" I ask.

"Well Esther, Avi and Kevin just got here a few hours ago so they didn't. Mitch and your mom stayed hidden and for me nothing a few stitches couldn't fix." Scott says.

"How did that happen?" I asked.

"My arm just got caught on a piece of glass when I was carrying you upstairs." He says.

"Well thank you all for all the help you've been to me. And I'm sorry about dragging you all into this mess." I say.

"It's no problem. We risked our lives to save yours because we all love you and care for you." Jeremy says.

"Where Mitch and my mom?" I ask.

"Mitch and your mom went back home to sleep. All of this really scared them." Esther says.

"Will someone give me my phone, please?" I say.

"I have to call them."

Scott hands me my phone and there's a bunch of notifications from twitter with the hashtag #PrayForKirstie.

"How did the fans find out?" I ask.

"Well I put a thing on Twitter that said you weren't feeling good and that you were in the hospital and created that hashtag." Jeremy says.

Okay correction, I have the best friends, boyfriend and fans in the world.

**Jeremy POV**
Few hours later

After Kirstie woke up everyone stayed for a couple more hours and we all talked about how grateful we are that Kirstie is okay and about PTX upcoming tour. Even Kirstie's mom and Mitch came back for about an hour.

Soon everyone left and either went to Kirstie's moms or there families homes. I'm staying with Kirstie for the night to keep her company and to make sure nothing else happens to her.

"Jeremy, you don't have to stay here. Go to my moms or something a sleep in a bed not a chair." Kirstie says.

"I just want to keep you company." I say.

"Please go home. I'll be fine, sweetie." She says.

Finally I give in and say I'm going to her moms to take a shower and stuff and will be back in a few hours.

She agrees and tries to get some sleep.

I really love Kirstie. And would do anything to keep her safe. Just wish she would let me.

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