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**Jeremy POV**
Mitch and I just landed in Texas and we were waiting for Kirstie's mom to pick us up from the airport.

"Hey, don't worry. You're going to be okay." Mitch says patting me on the back.

"It's not asking Angelica for permission to marry Kirstie. It's asking her dad permission is what I'm worried about." I say.

"Yeah...I can understand that one." He says.

Soon enough we see Kirstie's mom pull up in the pick up line at the airport for us. We get and and she greets us and we greet her.

"You boys must be starving! Let's go home. I'll make you guys dinner." She says.

"Oh my goodness yes!" Mitch says.

"Mitch has always liked my cooking. That's how I would get him to stay so long even if he didn't want to." She says.

"I can't wait to try your cooking. I'm sure if it's anything like Kirstie's cooking, I'm going to love it." I say.

Most of the drive to her house was silent but it wasn't awkward.

I'm starting to get a little nervous just thinking about tell her mom about wanting to marry Kirstie.

Good thing I have Mitch here.

**Kirstie POV**
This morning Jeremy left to go on a business trip but he didn't tell me where he was going. I'm sure it's nothing major but it would still be nice to know where he is.

I tried to see if Mitch wanted to have a movie day today but he said he was going back home to spend some time with family today. So instead I call Scott over and we were going to have a horror movie marathon.


Scott just got here and he brought food and wine!

"This is one of the reasons we are bestfriends." I say jokingly while hugging him.

"Yes I know! Anyways I also brought all the classics and nightmare on elm street!" I says.

"Yay! Now let me get some wine glasses and blankets and begin this marathon!" I say throwing my hands in the air.

"Yes! Where Jeremy? If you don't mind my asking." Scott says.

"No I don't mind at all! He's on a business trip for the next two days." I say yelling down the hall from my bedroom.

"Oh. Where's he going?" He asks.

"I don't know. He didn't say. He just said he was going on a business trip." I say walking back into the room.

"Sounds pretty fishing to me, Kirst..." he says jokingly.

I just slap his arm playfully.

"No but I'm sure it's nothing." Scott says.

"Yeah me too." I say.

We lay down on the couch and put in the first movie. I start to think about what Jeremy could be doing on this trip.

Maybe I should text him and find out.

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