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**Jeremy POV**
I wait for the guys to get to the house as I try and try to get ahold of Kirstie with no success. I'm just so worried.

She's knows I'd do anything for her. I stood up for her and got hurt for her all out of love.

If Josh breaks out of jail again, there's no telling who he's going to go after first. Since we're all in on keeping her safe, it could be anyone of us.

"Jeremy!" Scott yell through the house as he opens the door.

"Hey guys! I'm in the kitchen." I yell back.

They all come to the kitchen and stand around the kitchen counter.

"Any word from her yet?" Avi asks.

"No. And I've been trying since I found her letter." I say.

"Wait! Kirstie just texted me!" Mitch says.

"What does it say?" Scott asks.

"Tell everyone I love them and am sorry for getting them into this mess I caused." He says reading off her text.

"This is ridiculous! She didn't do anything to hurt us! We are just trying to keep her safe from Josh!" Mitch says with anger in his voice.

"I know she means a lot to all of us and especially Jeremy. Right now we have to focus on helping Jeremy find her and making sure Josh doesn't get anywhere near her." Kevin says.

"Well, Scott? Mitch? You two have known her the longest. Do you guys know where she could've gone?" I ask.

"If I know Kirstie as good as I think I do I know where she went." Mitch says.

"Where do you think she went then?" Avi asks.

"Home." Scott says.

"Texas?" I ask.

"Yup. Whenever she's upset she goes back to Texas with her family." Scott says.

I just look around at the guys and say, "so what do we all do? We need a plan."

"Well, Kevin and myself can stay here and make sure no signs of Josh threaten Kirstie's and our safety. Mitch and Scott can go with you to Texas since they know her better and know their way out there." Avi says.

"Do we all agree?" I ask.

They all agree and nod their heads.

"Alright then. Next flight to Texas we go then."

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