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**Kirstie POV**
I've just been staying at my moms since I left Jeremy and the band behind in California. I'm sure they're happy to get rid of me.

Since I've been home all I do is lay around the house and watch tv and spend time with my mom while she's home.

"I'm leaving for work. Are you sure you don't need anything?" My mom asks.

"No I'm fine, mom." I say.

"Okay. I'll be home around 3:30. Oh and sweetie?" she says.

"Yeah, mom?" Please get some fresh air today." She says.

"I will." I say back.

Then she left for work.

I know my mom is worried about me and my happiness but it's better this way.

Away from everyone so I can't hurt them anymore. It's my fault they were all brought into that mess with Josh.

They're better off with out me.

Especially Jeremy.

He's a great guy, but I don't want him to get hurt because of me anymore.

It's better this way. For everyone.

I went upstairs to put on a little bit of makeup and make myself look somewhat presentable so I can go out and get some lunch when the door bell rings.

I walk downstairs to answer it and was shocked by who was standing in the doorway.

"Hello, Kirstin."

**Jeremy POV**
Scott, Mitch and I just landed at the airport in Dallas and we went straight to get a car and go to Kirstie's house.

"Do you want me to drive?" Scott asks.

"Yeah. You know where to go from here. I don't." I say.

I hand him over the keys and we head off to find Kirstie.

It wasn't that long of a ride it was only twenty minutes or so. Then all of a sudden Mitch gets a call from Kirstie.

"Put in on speaker." I say.

He answers and puts the phone on speaker.

"Hey, Kirst! We're worried sick about you. Where are Y-"

"Don't come looking for me. I'm fine and in good hands. I won't be coming back to LA ever again. I'm staying in Texas forever. I'm turning off my phone so none of you can get a hold of me. Goodbye." She says then hangs up the phone.

"There's something not right about that." Mitch says.

"I agree." I say.

"Do you still want to go to her house?" Scott asks.

"Yes. I want to see what's up. There's something not right about that call and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it." I say.

We get to the house and find that the door is unlocked and kind of open.

We all immediately walk in and find no sign of Kirstie in the house. Her car keys are still on the table and the house is dead silent.

"I'll go upstairs and see if she's there." Mitch says walking up the stairs.

Scott and I walk around the main floor and try to find a note or something while Mitch looks upstairs for her.

"Guys, she's not here but I found a note." Mitch says rushing down.

"What does it say?" Scott asks.

"I win. You lose. -J" Mitch reads off the letter.

"Josh got her!" Mitch says almost in tears.

"Come on let's go find her!" I say running out of the house.

Here we go again.

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