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_____'s POV

wondering around a deserted place, is surely making my brother and me hungry, tired, and in so much pain, all of the cut and bruises from fighting for nothing were all in vain, but hey, we need to survive from this pathetic and cruel world but at the same time it such a beautiful and wonderful world 

from me being too exhausted that i didn't notice that I already collapse to the ground my white hair covered half of my face and I heard tomoe said something but the tiredness over powered me and the blackness consume my visions. (no your not blind you just tired and sleep, so don't worry)

Tomoe's POV

me and _____ were wandering to find a shelter, i was very tired but i controlled it i could feel my sister was tired too, we need to find a shelter before night falls or it will be a problem, cause judging the actions of _______ she's very tired I mean very tired she could jus- * thud* i heard a thud sound i turn to look at _____,and she just collapse "great, I knew that was gonna happen" I sighed and picked ______ up for a short size girl she's sure is heavy (note: not short-short just the same height as nanami) It was hard to walk while carrying my sister, I swear to God I will not let her eat chocolate treats anymore she getting more  heavier, I'm not saying she was fat she has curves, it's just her weight 'how can she's so heavy if she's not fat?!' I was looking for any abandoned houses, until I saw a shrine I carried _____ to the shrine and noticed a blond man sitting in the middle of the shrine, I couldn't take my tiredness and fell to ground as blackness surrounded me.

??? POV

"Master! We have a company" kotetsu said

"And it looks like they're badly wounded" onikiri said in worry for the two kitsune we're badly injured. 

"Bring them inside and clean their wounds, hurry before the wounds will be infected" I said while standing up and making my way to the shrine to make an healing remedy so their wounds will heal faster

"Yes master!" Said the shrine spirits in sync and carried the two kitsune to the shrine.


_______'s POV

I woke up in a strange place and there were two floating children in front of me "ahhhhhh!!!!!!!" They were startled by my sudden burst of scream, tomoe then wakes up right besides me and ask why was I screaming I then point to him the two floating children, he scanned the room we're in and ask the two floating children where we are,

"Your in my shrine" I then turn my head to the source of the voice and see's a blond dude wearing a kimono and had glasses

"who are you? and why are we here and how did we get here?" I asked the blond dude wearing a glasses

"my name is mikage, Well you see your friend there carried you here while you we're unconscious and I think he can't hold it anymore he let go (let it go!!!! Let it go!!!! Cant hold back anymore!!) And fell, so I brought you two here cause you two we're badly injured and need medical attention" I looked at him at awe I couldn't believe this man save us, I stood up and then bow downed to him

"Thank you so much! Without your help we wouldn't be here thank you! Thank you! What can we do to repay you back?" I said he then smiles and said "no need, you two don't need to repay me" tomoe then speaks "no you saved our lives and we want to repay it" "okay then, how about the two of you will became my familiar how's that sounds?" The two of us we're shocked we? Familiars? that's a big responsibility but he did saved our lives, i looked at tomoe and nodded he nodded back "okay then, we agree to be your familiar, what do we have to do?" I ask "well that's simple all you two have to do" said the floating girl "is kiss master in the lips to seal the contract" finished the floating boy I blush at the new information I look at tomoe he's was shocked to the information the boy shrine spirit said "do we have too?" I ask and they nodded 'well here goes my first kiss' I kissed mikage in the lips, I blushed so hard cause 1. This was my first kiss and 2. His lips are goddamn soft.

After I break the kissed I heard tomoe snickered at my embarrassment I went up to him and push him towards mikage so they accidently kissed I laugh at tomoe and said "who's laughing now huh?" Tomoe glared at me and walked over to my side "well now that's over what's are you're names?" Mikage asks "well my name is ________ and this is my brother tomoe" I said "well nice to meet you both and this is kotetsu and onikiri they're the shrine spirits here"
"Hello my name is kotetsu" "and I'm onikiri" "and we will help you two with the chores of being a familiar since you two are new" they said in sync I felt like my life would completely change, no more bloodshed and no more worrying about surviving, and I'm happy about it.

*time skip* 

Thousands of years have past and my life had been great at first it was hard being a familiar but I manage to survive, and ever since I met mikage my heart beats fast and on that day I knew I loved that dork, I've been planning a long time for me to confess my love to him so today seems to be the right day, i memorize the words I'm going to say and went to find mikage, I saw him in the entrance of the tolgate with a suitcase I then saw tomoe standing at the shrine door, "I'll be going out in the  town, take care of the shrine for me while I'm gone tomoe,______" as he finish he was long gone, I was disappointed that I didn't get to confess but I know he will be back, but until then I have just to wait.....

ヾ(o◕ω ◕)ノヾ(o◕ω ◕)ノヾ(o◕ω ◕)ノ

Many years have passed and still mikage hasn't returned, tomoe has lost hope for him to come home but I'm still waiting for him to come back but in the end I cried, i cried so much because i know that mikage isn't coming back and I know hopes of Mikage coming back were just a sweet dream but at the same time a depressing one, for reality has to shatter it apart.

Weeks have past I heard the shrine doors opened my ears picked up and went to tomoe who was cleaning and told him that mikage is home, he look angry and at the same time he was happy but the anger is more visible,
I was happy that mikage is home but at same time furious for his absence for a very long time

I went downstairs only to see......

( ̄∀ ̄)(^_^)(^_^)(^_^)(^_^)( ̄∀ ̄)

A/n: sorry for the cliffhanger but I'm very tired I wrote this 3:35 in the morning and my eyes are tired. But finally I already made this you see I been planning this for months now, and I already have an idea what the plot is I like to shoutout to my otaku fangirl friend who's really dear to my heart Inlovewiththefox!!! She's been really great motivator and persuade me to write this fanfic (*whisper*more like demanded me to write it) anyway I will update the next chapter as fast as I can, but for now I hope you have a nice day!! Bye~~~

I do not own kamisama kiss (sadly) and i do not own you.

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